Landscape specialization

Valle University

The project correlates the socio-ecosystems of the south-east of Cali, the floodplain of the Cauca River, Colombia. It re-naturalizes the public space, and the aesthetics of the landscape reculturizes it, exalting spontaneous species and taking advantage of its ecosystem function.

Three types of intervention are proposed (Water canal. Agroecological axis. SUDS) that seek to reduce the volume of surface water and improve the quality of the water that is currently delivered to the Cauca River, mitigating the risk of flooding in the north-eastern neighborhoods of the city. Otherwise it intervenes to amend or reinforce the social fabric marked by violence between neighborhoods and communes, the public space characterized by community projects is linked to the compost and recycling program, proposed by the Landscape Master Plan.

The plant stratification of the forest approved in each profile is consolidated through the continuity of each stratum, establishing ecological connectivity and consolidating the Local Ecological Structure integrated into the Complementary Ecological Structure.

Canopy walkways, amphibian spaces, aquatic ecosystems and the creeping landscape related through social dynamics around the water interact as a single, synergistic living system.

Facultad de arquitectura
Academic year