Jordi Sardà

Jordi Sardà, 1951. Architect by the ETSAB-UPC, in 1982 post graduate in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture in 1984. DUOT teacher of all courses of Planning and Landscape Theory and History of Master Degree of Landscape Architecture (MUP). He also teaches in Public Space and is responsible for the Final Master Thesis of Master of Landscape Architecture (MAP). Between 2007 and 2014 until present, professor of Projects and Urbanism of the EAR, at URV. His doctoral thesis “Només Imatges. La targeta postal vehicle de coneixement urbà”, investigates the relationships and capabilities of visual images-postcards to establish a collective reading of landscape and city. From his studio of Reus works in architecture, urbanism and landscape  projects and intervention in the built heritage buildings and in the city.