Julian Raxworthy

Lecturer 4

Landscape architect. He graduated from RMIT, Australia, with both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s research degree (by design). He practiced with Aspect Melbourne until 2003, where he was Design Manager, and co-founder of Aspect Sydney. He was a Senior Lecturer at RMIT until 2004, teaching design and history & theory. He has been an examiner for University of New South Wales, Australia and UNITEC, New Zealand and a Research Fellow at University of Western Australia. He is currently undertaking his PhD at the University of Queensland, concerning “change” in landscape architecture. He writes regularly for Monument, Architecture Australia and Architectural Review Australia, about contemporary landscape projects. In 2004, a book he co-edited with Jessica Blood, The MESH Book: Landscape & Infrastructure, was published by RMIT Press. Recently, he was guest editor for issue 95 edition of Architectural Review Australia.
