Juurlink en Geluk

Lecturer 4

Born in 1964 in the Netherlands. Landscape designer / International Agrarian Highschool Larenstein Boskoop graduated in landscape design. Architect, urbanism/ Academy for Architecture, Rotterdam graduated in architecture and urbanism. 1995-now: owner/director of juurlink en geluk landscape and urbanism (1993). 1993-1994: architect at the department of urban planning in Amsterdam. 1990-1993: designer at West 8 landscape architects in Rotterdam. 1989: designer at the Floriade in Zoetermeer. 1999-2004: Teaches at Academy for Architecture Rotterdam, Amsterdam. 1995-2000: Guestlectures and symposia different universities (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Wageningen, Velp, Gent, London). Participation in symposiums.

