Lota Green Culltural Park | Former industrial facility
Taller de Título 2
Universidad de Valparaíso
In the 1960s Robert Smithson, one of the forerunners of Land art, began to talk about entropy in relation to the dissolution of energy inherent in all the elements, including landscape. In this way the entropic landscape is discovered as that chaotic and residual, like the “other” landscape that now acquires a qualitative value, are spacesresiduals that had not been contemplated from an aesthetic filter until now. Although the entropic aspect can be found in different objects, works or installations, different scales, in this work the backbone will be the landscape.
The project.- | After the debacle of the coal industry in the commune of Lota, the city was plagued with a large number of industrial remains scattered throughout the city.
The intervention considers, specifically, the reinterpretation of the corresponding ruins to the facilities of the national coal company (ENACAR) and the Brick Factory LOTA GREEN and proposes a large Cultural Park.
The project provides a scenic route through the recognized notable fragments in the sector and also recovers the large pre-existing structures to accommodate new program for the park. Simple operations attempt to facilitate comfortable movement between the ruins, promoting a closer experience and sensory between who walks the park and the obsolescence, thus managing to merge the project, with the entropic landscape, without competing with the pre-existence, but very on the contrary, always putting it in value.