Lecturer 5
Professor in Aesthetics. He worked at the Universities of Urbino, Milano Statale, Heidelberg, Salerno and he was visiting professor of many international bodies. Member of S.I.E. (Società Italiana di Estetica), he was Director of ‘Centro Interuniversitario di Studi e Ricerche sul Giardino e il Paesaggio Mediterraneo’. Since 1987 presides for ‘Guerini e Associati’ editors of Milan, “Kepos” collection and “Quaderni di Kepos”. He was (1992-94) member of Editorial Advisory Board at the international review Journal of Garden History. In the 1994 he conquered special price of Giardini Botanici Hanbury International Prix (Grinzane Cavour), and now he’s members in the jury of price. Landscape between Ethic and Aesthetics, Theory and Project, is the main deal of his didactic and scientifi c works. His investigation perspective embraces historical analisys, aesthetic-philosophic speculation looking to the relations between human and his environment, architectural/artistic/geographic aspects.