Lecturer 7
Chief Architect of Expo Milano 2015, after having signed the Site Masterplan, is now Thematic Spaces Director. Research-worker and Assistant Professor in Landscape at Milan Politecnico. Graduated with honours, Phd in Urban Projects and Policies. Prizes and fellowship winner attended internationals seminars and study experiences at architectural firms e.g. Steven Holl, Albert Viaplana and Enric Miralles. Coordinator of Architecture&Land Ambient Design Laboratory carried on an intense research activity on urban and social landscape. City Planning advisor at Comune of Milano, he worked on the OMA/AMO Bovisa Masterplan and on the CityLife project with Daniel Libeskind, Zaha Hadid and Arata Isozaki. He exhibited at Venice Biennale 2002, 2004 and 2012 and at Beijing Biennal 2006. Writes on various reviews and periodicals of urbanism and architetcture.