Master in Landscape Architecture Juana de Vega

University of Corunna - University Santiago de Compostela

The place of intervention is in the city of Pontevedra, where there is a highlight water line. There are two large natural areas -the riverside wood and the Xunqueira del Alba- and three urban nuclei -the old town,
Monteporreiro and the parish of Lérez- which are related to this water line. Here, we can find landmarks of patrimonial value which, like a palimpsest, make us understand the evolution and construction of the landscape of Pontevedra. These milestones appear visually connected, however their physical connection is not easy. A set of road and rail traffic infrastructures gave rise to a chaotic
landscape, the destruction of the natural environment and a difficult physical
connection of heritage landmarks. An example of this was the construction of the AVE and the abandonment of the primitive bridge.
In this way, the masterplan proposes to reuse the tunnel and the old
bridge as the connector line of these two large natural areas, achieving a green corridor, and the link of the urban nuclei. Using the vestiges of the train
tracks, the project suggests a railroad path, It goes over the old bridge, where citizens can cross the river looking towards the city and San Benitiño
Monastery. After that, it goes on throughout the old tunnel, where they will
enjoy art exhibitions and other events. Finally, it arrives at Xunqueira del Alba to join the Way of Saint James, where the old traces of the landscape and the lost forest are recovered.

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de A Coruña- Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo
Academic year
A Coruña