Lanscape territorial planning of Chañaral de Aceituno

Lanscape territorial planning of Chañaral de Aceituno

Final degree project

Universidad Central de Chile

The case of study is a little southern coastal village in the Atacama Region, in Chile, called Chañaral de Aceituno. Here elements that contribute to the uniqueness of its landscape are gathered, which are the high diversity of native flora of the Atacama Desert, its location in front of an island inhabited by a large colony of humboldt penguins, and the summer sighting of large marine mammals. Its important to highlight the simplicity of the village, with fishing productivity as the main economic income. The last decade there has been an increase in national and international interest related to the whale watching in the place, which has caused an exponential growth of the tourist offer of the village. The foregoing, without previous planning, negatively impacts the territory, which is why a baseline analysis is needed to zonify the human uses of the landscape.

Landscape Architecture School
Academic year