Recycle Barcelona. New Life Cycles for Drosscapes.

Recycle Barcelona. New Life Cycles for Drosscapes.

Master Degree in Architecture

Polytechnic University of Bari

The contemporary city is defined by processes of urban metabolism that generates wastes; a responsible proposal has to inserts itself in the natural process of urban grown, being able to reduce refusals and creating new life cycles.

The proposed case-study is located between Sant’Adrià de Besòs and Badalona, naturally delimitated by the river, the shore and the water channel made by the architect Solà-Morales and marked by the huge presence of the FECSA-Endesa Tres Xemeneies.

The aim is develop a strategy of urban and landscape project which could be able of reactivate urban areas and big dismissed buildings, through processes of recycling based on the nature and culture value, understanding and respecting the natural and settlement characters of places.

The regeneration of the area starts from an unitary project of mixitè, in which the  landscape’s structural elements build the connectors of the proposal, being able of ensure the presence of loisir places, of the bathing and sport, by guaranteeing to the cluster to be open and permeable towards the city.

We reactivate three life cycles: Industry Cycle, Knowledge Cycle, Landscape Cycle.
The Landscape cycle’s strategy follows a kind of phasing that through constant processes allows the vegetation to take back naturally the polluted soil: the clean-up through fitoestraction and the following reintroduction of several native plants will allow the coastal park to recover its natural condition. The nature, through transversal ecocorridors, goes into the project, each of these is characterized by different identities (natural reserve, urban orchards, trigeneration parks).

Academic year