Bet Figueras

Lecturer 1 and 2

Barcelona (1957-2010). She studied Landscape Architecture at Berkeley, Georgetown and Edinburgh. She founded the practice Arquitectura del Paisatge in 1983, the same year she was appointed lecturer on the master's degree course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC. Main works: Square in Girona; gardens of L'Illa Diagonal, Barcelona; landscaping of the Plaça de les Glòries, Barcelona; Parque Sar, Santiago de Compostela.

Lorette Coen

Lecturer 2

Graduate from the University of Lausanne and doctor from the University of Paris VIII; journalist, director of cultural projects in Lausanne. Among her works, the project Lausanne Jardins in 1997 and 2000. Her published works include Odeurs de jardins, Zurich, Edition M, 1988; Lausanne côté jardins (with Luc Chessex), Editions Payot Lausanne, 1997; A la recherche de la cité idéale, Lausanne, Editions 24 Heures et Arc et Senans, Institut Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, 2000.

Flora Pescador

Lecturer 2

Doctor of Architecture. She is lecturer and assistant director of Research and Culture at the Las Palmas School of Architecture. She is director of the postgraduate course in Landscape Architecture. She works in collaboration with the architects Vicente Mirallave Izquierdo and Angel Casas Suárez. She has written the book Viaje a través del patio and several articles in books and magazines. She won first prize in the competition for the urban furniture of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1998.

Richard T.T. Forman

Lecturer 2

Lecturer of Landscape Architecture at the Graduate School of Design and Harvard College, Harvard University. He took his degree at Haverford College, and gained his doctorate from Pennsylvania University; Honorary Doctor of Arts of Miami University. He has been awarded prizes by several international bodies, and written numerous articles and books, including Landscape Ecology (1986) and Land Mosaics (1995).

Josep Maria Espinàs

Lecturer 2

Born in Barcelona. 1927. He graduated in Law in 1949, in the same year receiving the Guimerà Prize for an article. He currently writes in El Periódico, and between 1976 and 1999 contributed a daily column to the newspaper Avui. His work has been awarded the Joanot Martorell and the Sant Jordi Prizes His works include El nen de la plaça Ballot. Inventari de jubilacions, Viatge per els grans magatzems, L'ecologisme ès un egoisme, A peu per Castella i terres de Sòria and El teu nom és Olga.

Alain Roger

Lecturer 2

Born in 1936. He is Doctor of Philosophy. Lecturer in Aesthetics at the Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand. ln charge of the doctorate courses on Gardens, Landscapes and Territory at the Paris-la-Villette School of Architecture. Director of the "Pays/Paysages" collection of Éd. Champ Vallon. His publications include Nus et Paysages; essai sur la fonction de l'art, Paris, Aubier, 1978, and Court Traité du Paysage, Paris, Gallimard, 1997. He won the La Ville à Lire prize in 1997.

Oscat Tusquets

Lecturer 2

Born in Barcelona, 1941. He graduated in Architecture at the ETSAB in 1965. He was co-founder of Studio PER and BD Ediciones de Diseño. ln 1987, along with Carlos Diaz he founded Tusquets, Diaz Assoc. He has received the National Design Prize, several FAD prizes for Architecture and Design; he was awarded the Spanish Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts; he is Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France, and has received the Creu de Sant Jordi, awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Bet Capdeferro (Col·lectiu 10x15)

Lecturer 2

Born in Girona, 1970. ETSAB-trained architect, lecturer at the Landscape Architecture Faculty, ETSAB, since 2000. ln 1996 she set up the Collective 10x 5. Main works as a component of 10x15: ephemeral architecture installations during Girona Temps de Les Hors, Pati de les Hors of Can Girbal, Girona (1998 FAD prize for ephemeral spaces); intervention in La Carbonera; Plaça del Jurat, Girona; exhibition "La cuina que ve", Plaça dels Àngels, Barcelona.

Michele Orliac

Lecturer 2

Architect, DPLG in France, and Master in Landscape Architecture from the ETSAB, where she currently lectures. She is Director of the Architecture, Urbanism and Environment Council of the Eastern Pyrenees, an organisation devoted to projects at Community and regional level, in charge of the activities of the Galerie d'Architecture, exhibitions, design programmes and meetings. Her landscape architect practice is based in Toulouse (France).

José Manuel Vidal+Belén Gimeno

Lecturer 2

Belén Gimeno

Teruel, 1968. Graduated as an architect from the ESTA, Valencia. Coordinator of the workshops at Sot de Chera (Spain) and Andria (Italy).

José Manuel Vidal

Valencia, 1951. Graduated as an architect from the ETSA, Valencia. Co-ordinator of the landscape workshops at La Torre/Alpuente, Sot de Chera (Spain) and Andria (Italy).