Lecturer 1 and 2
Architect and landscape architect, member of the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori de la UPC, professor of Landscape Architecture in ETSAV (1982-1992), Master of Landscape in UPC since 1991 and of urbanism (degree) in ETSAB since 1992. He has been a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, GSD Harvard University and Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, IUAV. He is currently Member of Culture of the Governing Board of the COAC, a member of LUB and AxA. He has been president of the international jury of the V Biennial of Landscape Barcelona and finalist in II and VI editions. Founding partner of Ruisánchez Arquitectes, working on Landscape Architecture, Urbanism and Architecture projects, he has been recognized with several awards including: Fad Architecture Prize in 1997, Catalonia Construction Award, 2005 Catalonia Social Housing Award 2007 Technal Architecture Prize in 2008, Barcelona City Award, Architecture and Urbanism 2012.

Lecturer 2
Born in 1929. He studied landscape architecture at the Wageningen Agricultural University and the University of Pennsylvania. After six years of experience as a landscape consultant of the State Forest Service, he was appointed Professor and Chairman of Landscape Architecture at the Wageningen Agricultural University, where he remained until his retirement in 1994. He has written numerous articles on landscape and urban planning as well as the book “Outdoor Space”.

Lecturer 1 and 2
Landscape architect. Professor of landscape architecture at the Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria, where he founded the Dipartimento Oasi, served as Director from 2002 to 2008, and currently coordinates the doctoral program entitled “Parks, Gardens, and Territorial Planning.” From 1996 to 2004, he served as president of the Rome and Lazio division of IN/Arch. The French Minister of Culture awarded him with the Chévalier des Arts et Lettres in 1998. Honored with the European Premio Gubbio for the squares of Saint-Denis. His projects include: Italian Garden, Osaka, 1990; Matteotti Square, Catanzaro, 1992; Prehistoric Cave Welcome Area, Niaux, 1994; Montecitorio Square, Rome, 1998; Central Squares, Cisterna di Latina, 1997-2005; Manzoni Square, Monte - grotto, 2002; Lungomare Faleria, Porto Sant’Elpidio, 2003; Floating Terrace in Eur Lake, Rome, 2005-2006; Central Squares, Saint-Denis, 2005-2007; Dome of the Presidency of the Republic of Georgia, 2007; Station’s Underground Walkway, Bergamo, 2008. His essays include: L’architettura del giardino contemporaneo, 1988; Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 1990; Giardino italiano a Osaka, 1990; Piazza Montecitorio, 1998; Questo è paesaggio. 48 definizioni, 2006. Giardini - Manuale di progettazione, 2009; Piazza Matteotti a Catanzaro. Il volto della città, 2009.

Lecturer 3
1957 30th August born in Tunis. 1979 Plant biology degree at Paris-Orsay University. 1979/1980 Studies of Scenography at Ecole Jacques Lecoq, school of theater, Paris. 1980-1984 Studies at National school of landscape architecture (Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage- ENSP), Versailles. 1984 Qualified landscape architect (DPLG). 1986 Foundation of Agence Ter, landscape architecture company, with two partners: Michel Hoessler and Olivier Philippe. 1987-1998 Teatcher at the ENSP. 1993-1997 Landscape architect adviser of the Eure council in France. 1996-1998 President of the French Federation of Landscape architects (FFP). Since 1998 Professor at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany, faculty of architecture, Landscape Institute (Institut für Landschaft und Garten. 2001 Opening of a new Agence Ter office in Karlsruhe.

Lecturer 6
KONGJIAN YU, a recipient of Doctor of Design at Harvard GSD. He founded Peking University College of Architecture and Landscape, and Turenscape. Big feet revolution, Art of Survival and Sponge City are some of the key words that depicted his design philosophy, which have been demonstrated in his practices in over 200 cities. His works won numerous international awards including 12 ASLA Awards, 5 WAF Best Landscape Awards. His theory has been adopted by the Chinese government for nationwide ecological campaign. He was elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016, and recipient of the Doctor Honoris Causa from the Sapienza University of Rome.

Lecturer 6
James Corner is an internationally renowned landscape architect. Based in New York City, his firm’s projects include New York’s widely acclaimed High Line; Seattle’s Central Waterfront; Tongva Park in Santa Monica; London’s South Park Plaza at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park; Chicago’s Navy Pier; and the new Presidio Parklands in San Francisco. He is known for a special commitment to the design of a vibrant and dynamic public realm, informed by the ecology of both people and nature. James has been published and exhibited internationally, and has been recognized with significant design awards, including the National Design Award; the American Academy of Arts and Letters; and the Daimler-Chrysler Award for Design Innovation.

Licensed in Architecture and Landscape Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPCBarcelona Tech). Holds a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture (MLA, 2003) and a Master's degree in Urbanism Research (MIUrb, 2014) from the same university. Has been awarded multiple times with scholarships, such as the Mies van der Rohe Foundation Scholarship (Venice, Italy; 2001), the Caixa d'Arquitectes Foundation (2002), and the Villa LeNôtre Fellowship for Professional Landscape Architects in Versailles (Paris, France; 2016) at ENSPV International Residences for Landscape Architects. The latest recognition received was the appointment as the Luigi Einaudi Chair at the Institute of European Studies (IES) at Cornell University (Ithaca, USA; 2019). Her professional practice has unfolded at Ateliers Jean Nouvel (Paris), the Research and Landscape Projects Center (CRPPB led by Rosa Barba, at UPC), and, since 2003, in her own professional practice NABLABCN based in Barcelona, focusing on planning, landscaping, and architecture. She is the Executive Director of the Landscape Architecture Office at the College of Architects of Catalonia and a member of the Executive and Scientific Committee of the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona. She is also an associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC-BarcelonaTech, affiliated with the School of Architecture (ETSAB) and the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning (DUOT), as well as the new degree in Landscape Architecture (ESAB + ETSAB). She has given lectures, moderated sessions, or participated as a jury at RMIT Europe, Nanjing and Chengdu University in China, AHO in Norway, Versailles in France, or POLIMI in Milan, Italy.
Member of the Scientific and Executive Committee of the Biennial since its 8th edition.
Coordination and organization of the team (from the 4th edition of the International Landscape Biennial to the current one).

Architect. He gained his degree in Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), specializing in Urbanism. He lectures in Projects on the master’s degree course in Landscape Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.He was awarded with the National Urbanism Prize of the Ministry of Public Works and Urbanism. He received a research grant from the Paul Getty Foundation.Construction and landscaping projects. Territorial and urban planning. Adviser of the Office of Landscape of the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC).