THE PARADOXICAL VISUALIZATION. A response to industrial waste landscapes (cornell university)
Cornell University
The Paradoxical Visualization takes place on a 132-acre site on the Outer Harbor of Buffalo, New York. Historically, the site did not exist; it is largely constructed of contaminated dredged material from the adjacent shipping channel.
The paradox of this project lies between the geometric forms and its naturalization. It can be understood as a highly dynamic interplay axes of visual access, areas of exposure and shelter, and dynamic and static elements.
Based on the viewshed projections from the highway and on the site, we used both digital and physical modeling techniques to create landforms that emphasize the viewsheds, which are aligned withs nodes such as important buildings, turning points, high points, and critical entrances and exits to the site. The landform is changed to obtain optimal visual connectivity with the traffic and forms interactive
moments for people both within and leading to the site.