Pascal Convert

Lecturer 4

Pascal Convert is a plastic artist. In 1989, he was artist in residence at the Villa Medici. Georges Didi-Huberman has written a book on his work (La demeure, la souche, 1998). He was guest artist at the Studio National du Fresnoy in 1999. In 2000, he, together with a group of artists, students, academics and TV technicians, founded the Artistes & Associés association to “film the work of art”. He has shown work in numerous exhibitions: Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen. (As part of the Jean Nouvel exhibition) 2005; De Mémoire, Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts, Tourcoing (Curator: Philippe Dagen); 2003 L’empreinte, Mnam, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (Curator: Georges Didi-Huberman), 1997. His extensive filmography: 1997, 2003, 2004 Direct Indirect, Video installation; 2005 La Madone de Bentahla, documentary, 52 min; 2005 L’Alpeh, on the filmic imaginary of Jean Nouvel, followed by an interview between Bernard Stiegler-Jean Nouvel, Commissioned by the Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen.
