Photosynthesis: The Landscaping Regeneration of an Industrial Dockyard

Photosynthesis: The Landscaping Regeneration of an Industrial Dockyard

Landscape Engineering and Digital Landscape

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

The southeast dock on the Huangpu River's cross estuary is a storage area for shipping goods and features a small shipyard. However, noise, dust, pollution, and abandoned industrial structures intensify conflicts between industrial production, outdoor living, and the environment. With urban economic transformation and increasing environmental concerns, the dock's transition from production to a sustainable living space is inevitable.

Our regeneration plan draws inspiration from "Photosynthesis" to integrate production, activities, and ecology harmoniously. The site is envisioned as a leaf section, with different parts collaborating like a leaf's mesophyll to complete substance and energy conversion. By balancing production, activity, and ecology, we aim to find the optimal solution. Through virtuous cycles, the industrial heritage of the site will transform into new activity spaces, achieving the desired outcome.

"Photosynthesis" provides an ideal model for regenerating industrial brownfields, seamlessly integrating production, activities, and ecology. The energy of people promotes rejuvenation, while ecological benefits bring well-being to both humans and the Earth.

Landscape Architecture
Academic year