POST REFUGEES LANDSCAPES. Landscape alternatives for forced migration, water scarcity and conflicts. (Cornell University)

POST REFUGEES LANDSCAPES. Landscape alternatives for forced migration, water scarcity and conflicts. (Cornell University)

Cornell University

Along-the 200-mm aridity line in Africa,-conflict induced migration is-the-cause of environments-degradation in this-zone, Once registered as a-refugee, one is displaced and •resettledeither internally or in a. neighborhood_country,. Often, these host regions are already threatened by drought andhave, variable, access to. water and folocl..however,.the arrival. of, refugees add pressures .on fra,glieenvironments an.d_ trigger conflicts with 1).061.Q:immunities over the use of land and water resources. Due to the combined effect of continuous refugee  influx and climate change, both population will soon live under insecurity  due to continued  jand degradation and scarce resources including water and agriculture livelihood,  
The thesis looks at underlying  causes that lead to the humanitarian crisis as well as address immediate needs for food. It argues that settlement plan-ning with low-technology irrigation strategies for herding and agriculture, seen in the context of the social structure, can ameliorate such conflicts. In the long run, a better living condition result in a more balanced relationship between local populations and refugees. The design part of the thesis The thesis explores the situation through the lens of the Kakuma camp, one of thee longest-lasting humanitarian settlements in Sub-Saharan Africatas a test bed for the these technologies. It aims to create agriculture corridors as extensions of refugee settlements. With the adaptation of ancient arid climate. and desert Irrigation,,a.minirrial a ma nt of watertan be. gathered for food harvesting as well as grazing.
