Rosa Barba International Landscape Architecture Prize Rules

12 edition


1. Prize nature:

1.1.- The Rosa Barba International Landscape Architecture Prize aims to award authors of built landscape architecture projects that represent the best professional practices worldwide. The Prize takes its name after architect Rosa Barba founder of the International Landscape Biennial, who died, still young, the year after creating the event. The Rosa Barba International Landscape Architecture Prize is supported by the Banc Sabadell Foundation,

1.2.- The Prize will be summoned and granted every two years, coinciding with the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture of Barcelona, parallel to the International Prize of Schools of Landscape and the Selection of Works Realized exhibition of the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

1.3.- The Rosa Barba International Landscape Architecture Prize, supported by Banc de Sabadell Foundation, hereinafter the Prize, is open to all landscape projects materialized in the five calendar years before the Prize open call. Thus, it is open to works completed between the call for the Biennial Award of the two previous editions and the call for the current Biennial Award.

1.4.- The Prize, which in no case will be declared void, consists of a certificate signed by the author / s who have presented the work, a numbered lithograph Perico Pastor and an economic endowment of 15,000€ for a single project awarded that in no case can be declared ex aequo. There will be no second prize, and the finalists will be recognized in the Jury minutes. There may be mentions of honour without endowment if the Jury recognizes specific values ​​to be highlighted in parallel to the selection of finalists for the Prize, which will be presented during the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture.

1.5.- The Executive Commission can review these rules in prior agreement with the organizers and collaborating entities, if necessary.

2. Candidates:

2.1.- All architects and landscape architects with a qualifying professional title to carry out landscaping projects in the state of their professional domicile can be candidates for the Award.

2.2.- Any work submitted to the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture of Barcelona, ​​hereinafter the Biennial, may opt for the Prize twice, except for works with renewed phases or when the Organizing Committee deems it convenient. However, projects that have been finalists in previous editions can not be submitted.

2.3.- Each author may submit a maximum of 5 works to the Prize, although only one may be chosen as a finalist in the same call.

2.4.- The members of the Jury, as well as the members of the Organizing Committee and the people directly related to the organization, have the right to participate in their projects up to the finalist's stage, but in no case will they be considered as candidates for the Prize or any another distinction that could be granted.

3. Submission of candidatures:

3.1.- The submission to the Prize must be made by the authors of the projects, following the online procedure indicated below:

          3.1.1. Create a user on the Biennial page:

          3.1.2. Expressly accept this participation regulation.

         3.1.3. Make the payment electronically of the registration fees for the Prize, which are 90 €, VAT included, non-refundable:

        3.1.4. Fill out and send the form and project file online with all the fields filled out. To correctly fill in the form, the following information must be provided:

    1. Personal details (architect, collaborators, office ...)

   2. Project file (includes: project title, award category, subcategory, year of project design, year of project completion, project location address, UTM coordinates, city or location, province or region, country, surface area, metric unit and cost per square meter).

   3. Summary of the project or landscape planning (includes: the purpose of the proposal, description of the project, and assessment of the finished work) 2000 characters.

   4. Graphic documentation (9 images of the project minimum and 20 maximum in JPG or PNG format in CMYK ob / n, 12x20cm up to 300dpi or 20x12cm up to 350dpi.)  Photographs and any material protected by intellectual property legislation must indicate the respective authors' identity; being the contestants' responsibility to have the required authorizations for the contribution and dissemination of the images for the purposes provided in these regulations.

3.2. With the presentation of the Prize, the participants are responsible for having previously obtained the authorizations of the owners of the works performed, if necessary, as photographers and collaborators who could hold any intellectual property rights over the material contributed. The above authorizations will be extended by third parties with whom the Architects Association of Catalonia (COAC) agrees to carry out the purpose of dissemination and promotion of the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona and the Awards associated with it, especially the Rosa Barba Prize.

4. The Jury:

4.1.- The Jury is composed of between 3 and 7 members, chosen by the Organizing Committee of the Landscape Biennial from among leading international personalities in the landscape world, both for having built a work of particular significance, having contributed decisively to the development of the discipline and representatives of the IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects). The name and curriculum of the members of the Jury will be public.

4.2.- The Jury is structured in the positions of President and Members appointed by the Executive Commission of the Biennial and a Secretary (without vote), exercised by the Biennial Coordinator. Each member has a vote -except the Secretary-; in case of a tie, the quality vote of the President of the Jury will prevail.

4.3.- The Jury will meet virtually or face-to-face, according to the budget possibilities, and in all cases, whoever holds the function of secretary, will record the meeting. The minutes will then be sent to all members and validated by them before being signed by the President and the Secretary. The minutes can be drawn up in a signed electronic document with a certified electronic signature. In case the meetings are virtual, the record or the recording of the meeting will be attached to the minutes.

4.4.- The Jury will be considered validly constituted when, in addition to the President, at least half of the members with the right to vote to attend. A simple majority of total votes will take the processing agreements; the preselection agreements by majority vote and the agreements for the awarding of the Prize will be taken by a simple majority of votes, recognizing the President of the Jury the vote of quality to decide in case of a tie.

4.5.- The members of the Jury will not be remunerated for any reason. The Prize Organization is responsible for the coverage of the corresponding travel, lodging and maintenance expenses within the reasonable standards set by the Executive Committee of the Biennial.

5. Selection procedure:

5.1.- When selecting the Candidates for the Award, the Executive Committee and the Scientific Commission will pre-select among all those registered, where projects that do not comply with these rules will be excluded from the competition and will lead to the presentation of the preselection to the President. of the jury for its evaluation. In any case, the Organizing Committee will meet with the President of the Jury in a previous session and will explain the excluded work and the exclusion criteria. Once the pre-selection of participants has been made, the procedure for the selection of the candidate projects and delivery of the Prize will be as follows:

   5.1.1. A first phase of selection and always under the assessment guidelines indicated by the President of the Jury, will consist in making a selection through the platform of the Biennial website by each member of the Jury. The members of the Jury will be able to visualize all the information that the Candidates send when they register for the Prize through private access to the Biennial website. In this first phase, members will have access to visualize all the projects submitted to the call. They must select the projects they deem appropriate in two modalities, Selected and Finalists, with no limit on the number of projects in any of them.                        

   5.1.2. The second phase will consist of selecting "Selected" and "Finalists" by the Jury in a simple majority, which will be carried out through internal debates via Skype. The Jury will select online and by simple majority up to 300 projects for the section "Selected" that will become part of the Atlas of the Biennial, viewable on the same website. Each member of the Jury will select up to a total of 50 contest projects for the "Finalists" section.

   5.1.3. Although within the second phase, each member of the Jury will choose 10 Finalists online and in voting by simple majority, the first 50 selected as Finalists will be defined.

   5.1.4. The third phase of selection will consist of a third virtual meeting of the Jury to elect, by simple majority, between 7 and 10 Finalist projects that will be eligible for the Prize, which will be informed and invited to be present at the Biennial. The number of selected and the reasons for their selection will be justified in the Prize award minutes referred to in the following point.

6. Final decision and delivery of the Prize:

6.1.- The Jury will meet physically in Barcelona to attend the presentation of the work of the 10 Finalists and deliberate on the Prize. The Jury commits to deliberate after the exhibition of projects of all the Finalists to have the decision taken at noon the day after the day of presentation of Finalists, collecting the decision and therefore the appointment of the Winner to the minutes of this meeting.

6.2.- The finalist authors must be present to present their projects. If no author or representative of the same goes to the presentation of projects, this candidacy will automatically be out of competition since the presentation of projects is part of the contest itself. In case of the absence of a member of the Jury, it will be replaced by another person who will decide on the Executive Committee.

6.3.- The Prize Winner will be made public during the symposium of the Biennial, specifically the third day of the Biennial (the first day will be opening with the Pop Up Green act, the second the presentation of Finalists to the Prize and the third the resolution of the prize) in a specific act for the delivery of the prize. The President will deliver the same to the Jury after reading the minutes referred to in point 6.1.

6.4.- The Winner will receive in this event a certificate signed by the author/s who have submitted the project, a numbered lithograph of Catalan artist Perico Pastor and an endowed prize of 15,000 that will be delivered by bank transfer to the designated account, after application of the pertinent fiscal obligations, according to the Spanish legislation and the agreements in the tributary matter that was applicable between Spain and the state of residence of the winner if outside another one. For purely informative purposes, it is stated that:

The Winner, whether it is a natural person or legal entity, will be subject to a withholding tax whose percentage, depending on the residence of the Winner, may vary:

a) Residents in Spain: retention of 19%

b) Residents in the European Union, Iceland or Norway: retention of 19%, with the peculiarity that, as they do not have a Spanish CIF, the winner must present a certificate of residence in the country of origin. In this case, the retention may also vary:

-Presentation of residence certificate at the origin: retention of 19%.

-Not presenting the certificate of residence at source: 24% withholding.

c) Residents in the rest of the world and non-EU countries: the agreement's provisions between Spain and the corresponding non-EU country must be consulted. Conventions usually establish the obligation to pay taxes in the winner's country of origin and, therefore, are exempt from withholding. But in this case, they must present the certificate of residence in the country of origin, as in the case of the EU countries. In case of non-contribution of this certificate, the non-resident retention will be applied, that is, 24%.

-Presentation of residence certificate at source: 0% withholding.

-Not presenting the certificate of residence at source: 24% withholding.

7. Intellectual property and assignment of rights:

All the materials submitted to the Prize are the property of the respective authors. In no case will the organization of the Prize request any material with any purpose other than the celebration and dissemination of the International Biennial of Landscape and the Prizes associated with it. And, considering this, the return of the material to the authors, winners or not, is not contemplated. The graphic materials presented to the Prize by the participants will be considered as an assignment to the International Biennial of Landscape of Barcelona, ​​which in turn may assign them to third parties for the sole purpose of:

a) be part of the Project Atlas of the International Biennial of Landscape, public access on the web of the International Biennial of Landscape of Barcelona, ​​

b) be part of the Exhibition of Selected Works of the International Biennial of Landscape of Barcelona and

c) appeared in the pre-catalogue and pre-catalogue publication of the International Biennial of Landscape of Barcelona of the call for the Prize where they were presented. These required content participants will be in digital format and will be loaded online, so they only have a dissemination function without any copy held by the organization of the Award or any member of the Jury.

The participating authors the Prize by accepting these bases that condition the participation, accepting the cession of rights of the images that represent the work for the aforementioned purposes and answering before the Organization of having produced or obtained all the contributed materials licitly, respecting scrupulously the intellectual property rights of third parties.

The Organization will not be liable for the misuse of the participants before third parties that may be harmed and reserves the right to expel from the Prize any participant who has infringed this regulation without prejudice to prosecute infractions that directly or indirectly harm criminally.

8. Protection of Personal Data:

In compliance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, the Regulation Reglament (UE) 2016/679 de 27 d'abril de 2016 (RGPD), the LLlei Orgànica 15/1999 de 13 de desembre (LOPD) and the Reial Decret 1720/2007 de desenvolupament de la LOPD, the personal data provided by the participants voluntarily when registering in the web of the Biennial and the Rosa Barba Prize, will be treated and conserved during the necessary periods by the Architects Association of Catalonia as responsible for the treatment, in order to offer access to participation in the Biennial and the Prize in its modalities, without any communication or transfer of data to third parties unrelated to the organization of the Biennial and the Prize. The data provided will be kept for the duration for which they were obtained and provided that their owners do not exercise any rights of those who protect them. They will not be communicated to third parties, except by legal obligation, nor will any international data transfer be made without the prior consent of the owners. Once these data are no longer needed, they will be irreversibly anonymized and treated in an aggregate way to make statistics for the study and analysis of the needs of professional activities and social needs related to the Landscape. The holders of the data have the right to request access, rectification and deletion of the same and the limitation and opposition to their treatment, which should be addressed to the Architects Association of Catalonia, with address at Plaça Nova, 5, 08002, Barcelona, or send an email to, along with a photocopy of your official identity document or passport, indicating the type of right you want to exercise. The holders of the data also have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the treatment carried out before its withdrawal. They also have the right to submit a claim if they consider that the managing of personal data does not comply with current regulations of the Control Authority (

For more information on this subject, you can consult the privacy policy by following the following link: can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing, accompanied by a copy of an official document that identifies you, to the College of Architects of Catalonia, with address at Plaça Nova, 5, 08002 Barcelon,a or by sending an e-mail to writing on the envelope or subject of the message: INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OF BARCELONA - PERSONAL DATA