Sébastien Penfornis

Lecturer 7

After completing a university degree in Art History, Sébastien Penfornis (born 1973) proceeded to formally train as an architect (EAB Rennes, TU Delft, EA Nantes). He spent 8 years collaborating with numerous practices in Rotterdam in the Netherlands (Schie 2.0, KWau, Made, Kaap3, West8) where, in an innovative and progressive environment, he explored various scales and typologies of landscape projects through urban and territorial reflections. As of 2006, he is co-founder and director of Taktyk (Paris/Brussels) and guest teacher at the ENSP Versailles (project department). Since 2012 he has been undertaking a PhD (Research by Design) with RMIT Melbourne (Australia) which explores through his practice the notions of "serendipity and bricolage" in transforming the landscape design process.
