Lecturer 7
Teacher and landscape architect. Born in Ausburg (Germany): he graduated prom Munich polytechnic and has studied at Munich, Versailles and Italy. He has taught at the Munich Polytechnic, at the art academy in Berlin, and in Other Italian faculties as a temporary lecturer. From 2002 to 2006 he was director and associated professor of the Landscape architecture department of the University of Montreal. He collaborates with CUPEUM, Chaire Unesco of Paysage et Environment for their international activity and research into suburban landscapes. He has participated in the Bolzano Habitat research (2001), he directed the group Napoli Campi Flegrei of the international research Urban Catalyst of the EU. He collaborates with Sardinian region Landscape Observatory and has been president of the jury for Sardinian Landscape Prize (2007). He has written several articles on contemporary and historical landscape architecture which have been published in reviews and several books. He participated in 1992 in foundation of Topos Journal. Since 2008 he is a member of scientific committee of the "Città con vista" series. From 1995 to 2002 he has directed the Berlin office of Burger-Tischer and later the Tischer studio in Montreal (2002-2006). His projects include: the exterior of Dresden University, the garden exhibition park at Potsdam, experimental garden at Metis, Montreal and Padula (for Ortus Artis), Prizes include: Fontana Candida park in Rome (1st prize 2006) , Kaisaniemi in Helsinky (1st prize 2001) garden city of Hellerau (1st prize 1998), ex female concentration camp in Ravensbruck (1st prize 1998) and Hannover expo (4th prize 1996).