Tracings of an Abandoned Landscape: Activation of Stomio Bay, Chania

Tracings of an Abandoned Landscape: Activation of Stomio Bay, Chania

Diploma Design Thesis [grade 10/10]

Technical University of Crete

This Diploma thesis analyses the Stomio Bay area that is located southwest of Chania, Crete and close to the protected natural reserve of Elafonisi. It is a Mediterranean landscape with characteristics of an exceptional geological substratum ecosystem. Five basic spatial characters are detected:

a. a stream with a pine forest,

b. an abandoned reservoir,

c. some stone ruins,

d. an inactive gypsum industry,

e. the European trekking pathway E4.

The representational method of designing satellite maps, photographs and diagrams is the main analytical tool that helped comprehend the unique character of the place: a landscape of contrasts where a natural protected area (Natura 2000) co-exists with an abandoned industrial environment. The imprints of human activity constitute a “dystopian” atmosphere and an uncanny sense emerges in space.

The proposal adopts this genius loci as the main compositional principle. The idea redesigns the traces of the landscape, while at the same time activates the area through hosting educational, environmental and artistic activities. A network of trekking pathways is being created with rest spots and observation points, as well as new structures in the existing remnants. This landscape is in a constant state of exchange between the material and the immaterial, where mineral and social processes take place simultaneously. The Diploma project by its interventions emerges aesthetic, ecological and social aspects.

School of Architecture
Academic year