Urban and environmental restoration project for the waterfront of La Boca, Buenos Aires
Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Architettura - 5 Years Master's Degree in Architecture
Sapienza University of Rome
In the city of Buenos Aires, La Boca has always had an important role in the global collective imaginary. Its historical and cultural relevance are, unfortunately, overshadowed by the criticalities regarding the security, housing crisis, lack of essential services and more generally by the poor quality of life linked to the critical environmental conditions of the Rio Matanza-Riachuelo; that is exactly the main issue addressed in this thesis, focused on the regeneration of waterfront’s public spaces. The analysis has been carried out starting with a chronological cartographic synopsis of the city, proceeding with a detailed analysis of the neighbourhood, and a critical evaluation of its structure; the environmental matter has been studied with a diagnostic of the entire hydrographic basin. Drafting a masterplan project has led to the identification of 5 strategical macroareas along the waterfront, connected between them in order to realize a network of green-blue infrastructures. The specific design interventions that ensures the environmental sustainability of the project (applied to each macroarea) are showed in a detailed representation of the “Barraca Pena Park”. The water is the main element. Starting from the will to use nature-based solutions for the environmental restoration, it is assumed a new water cycle management (grey water, rainwater and the Riachuelo’s water), based on phytodepuration and integrated with the new design of public spaces, with the aim to create new naturalistic, agri-food, cultural and educational areas that contribute to improve the quality of life in the neighbourhood, respecting its hystorical and naturalistic identity.