The Valley of Ippari, landscape stratigraphy and territorial identity

The Valley of Ippari, landscape stratigraphy and territorial identity

Architettura del Paesaggio

Kore, Italy

In order to understand how a territory once was, everything is important, its structure of settlements, fields, woods and variety of use. The landscape should be read in this sense as a blackboard full of history, a palimpsest that collects stories od generation and generations from the farthest centuries. These considerations were the starting point for this project concerning the enhancement of the landscape of the Valley of ippary. The river goes from the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Kamarina up to the modern airport, crossing the typical rural landscape of the Iblea area and the urban centers of Comiso and Vittoria. The area today degraded and deprived of its character, has required an action of territorial planning respectful of the many historical layers that become the cornerstones of the project itself. From the ancient to the modern, from Kamarina to the airport through the slow and eco-sustainable mobility routes, through architectural, rural and natural sightings unique inits kind, identifying all the components that define a real widespread Ecomuseum. the objective is to enhance and defend the derritory, identities and local cultural heritage through awareness and constructive collaboration with the resident community.

Academic year