Workshop Santa Fe 2019 - “Urbanidad Propioceptiva. Bordeando lo distal y proximal”

Workshop Santa Fe 2019 - “Urbanidad Propioceptiva. Bordeando lo distal y proximal”

TPMU -Taller Proyectual en Morfología Urbana

Universidad Nacional del Litoral – Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo

From elements taken from santa fe´s litoral landscapes is that the exploratory micro-urbanity is dened, trying to set triggers for the users. Theese elements have been regenerated, resignied and reapropiated to cause sensitive impulses on the observator. Theese same elements, inuenced by the context and the history of the place, transform into conditions and inspiracy when it comes to making decisions about the intervention proposals.

The Center for Research and Production of river aquatic crops, the school of territorial production and the recreational space are presented as a micro-urbanity, where the person can discover, explore and study the particularities of the landscape, being the inmensity of the sky, the variability of the water and the instantaneous shadows the ones that direct the triggers and invite you to transit. This space is presented as a connection between the city and Alto Verde.

The history of the place, it´s prints and it´s very present matter is what conrms the proposal, makes it formal and structures it. The discursive esthetics of Molino Marconeti is mixed with a place where the own structure of what exists, it´s matter, is the languaje that nally bonds and makes the functional propose formal.

A sensitive remake of the productive functions takes place, sticking to the idea that the harbor is still productive, but in a new phase, leaving behind the old, only functional, symbolic image of the harbor, and thinking un a new contemporary productive phase (educational, receational, ecofriendly), going from a distant to a close bond with nearby urbanizations.

Area de Diseño, Carrera de Arquitectura.
Academic year
Argentina / Santa Fe