Urban rationality from the perspective of river —the urban planning and design based on resilience

Urban rationality from the perspective of river —the urban planning and design based on resilience

Landscape Architecture Design Studio

Beijing Forestry University

With the process of the urbanization, river habitats are disappearing rapidly due to the land expansion and water wasting. City development seems to be in conflict with natural habitats. Lots of rivers and wetlands are unable to function well in developing cities. 
The site, located in Changping District, Beijing, is an urban fringe area which is surrounded by wastelands and temporary building. Our urban planning is from the perspective of nature elements, such as rivers, and seek to find a solution based on the idea of resilience by establishing a place that can adapt to the natural change of time. All the green spaces, waterfront landscapes and ecological habitats will be changed fundamentally.

School of Landscape Architecture
Año académico