Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 - New Landscapes for Via del Grano and Park of Quarries

Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 - New Landscapes for Via del Grano and Park of Quarries

Architecture UE

Sapienza University of Rome

The thesis develops in Matera: place in continuous ferment for the candidacy to capital of culture 2019. The project consists in the redevelopment of a part of the Via Appia, commonly called Via del Grano because it assured the transport of the same from Puglia to Campania. The route lies along four tuff quarries, of different morphology and age, inviting the traveler to follow a path of discovery according to a progression of activity. The project objectives are to: create spaces to increase connections and exchanges, inform and make the user aware of the peculiarities of the place, exploiting the resources of the territory. The first was achieved through the creation of a caravanserai containing hotels, congress centers, offices. The second through the insertion of a teaching area, a museum area, temporary exhibitions and an open theater. The third thanks to the setting up of a km 0 market. Great attention was paid to the landscape intervention, not invasive and mitigating, taking advantage of the ancient tracks of workers for cycle paths, and the existing morphologies for the creation of gardens and fountains.

Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto
Año académico