American University of Beirut. Beyond the senses: Connecting your inner and outer landscape.

American University of Beirut. Beyond the senses: Connecting your inner and outer landscape.

Cultural Landscape Design

American University of Beirut

Project Title: Beyond the senses: Connecting your inner and outer landscape.

Project Description: The site is located in a coastal village in north Lebanon called Anfeh. The village is characterized by its rich cultural history. It is threatened by urban development projects that are endangering the cultural elements that constitute the pride of the village such as the salt pans. Moreover, the site is located on a steep hill; and it is one of the few remaining in land salt pans. It is characterized by strong winds, contrasts of colors, textures and sensations due to the different microclimates whilst moving through the site. The design premise is therefore based on these different sensory experiences. Sensory homogeneity is becoming synonymous of our modern world. The first of these is the growing dominance of vision in the hierarchy of the senses. The sense of vision is distancing, placing the observer outside of the scene whereas the other senses provide a more interactive immerse experience with the surrounding environment. Therefore the aim of the design is to provide a multisensory experience for the visitors and encourage the interaction between the environment and the individual whilst creating spaces of warmth, color, light, sound, smells and textures. And finally to provide an alternative touristic activity that would be unique to Anfeh allowing the exploration of personal and cultural spaces that would higher the value of the town in the eye of the government and the Lebanese citizen.

Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management
Año académico