Cracow Greenway East. The concept of a greenery system integrating the parks of Nowa Huta

Cracow Greenway East. The concept of a greenery system integrating the parks of Nowa Huta

Master Diploma Course

Cracow University of Technology

The aim of the project is to develop a green area system concept that would integrate linear green spaces into selected parks. in Nowa Huta. Currently these parks are isolated from each other by various barriers which disturb communication and natural continuity. It is therefore necessary to ensure the continuity of the greenery system between all selected Nowa Huta parks. The project is a refinement of the strategic document which is the Directions of development and management of green areas in Cracow for 2017-2030. It undertakes an attempt to implement the recommendations and guidelines contained in the strategy regarding the development and cultivation of green corridors in the eastern part of Cracow. The project identifies problem areas and barriers that exist within them, as well as eliminates them by delineating the boundaries of green corridors in a precise way, and as a result develops a coherent, comprehensive concept of a green corridor - Cracow Greenway East - a system of public green spaces on a local scale that can be moved between green areas open to the eastern part of Cracow. The concept of a green corridor assumes the creation of a tourist route which the main purpose is to introduce the potential recipient to the natural and cultural heritage of Nowa Huta. As a detail, one selected problem area was designed in at length, i.e. a green link between the Polish Park Lotników and the embankments on the Vistula. The solutions adopted in the project extract precious values of the area as well as expose its specific genius loci.

Institute of Landscape Architecture
Año académico