WATERFRONT. (re)generation. (re)connection. (re)activation.

WATERFRONT. (re)generation. (re)connection. (re)activation.


University of Architecture and Urban Planning Ion Mincu

Considering the importance of waterfronts in urban development, the objectives of the project are those of REGENERATION, RECONNECTION, REACTIVATION of blue corridors. The project aims to energize the water banks by inserting distinctive elements that enhance the identity of the watercourses.

The waterfront studied in this project is the Crișul Repede river, from the point of origin to the point of discharge (macro territory), of the watercourse within the city of Oradea including the Peța stream (mezzo territory) and then the detailing of a segment of the river, the Velența neighborhood (micro territory).

To enhance these corridors it is necessary to create an identity specific to each segment, to create a link between the two watercourses and to create a link between the watercourses and the city's green, public, and building spaces. It requires compatible functions in the given context while protecting biodiversity.

By applying these design proposals it is desired to enhance both the waterfronts and the adjacent areas, the newly created enclaves, the historical center, and the architecturally constructed fund and most importantly increase the quality of the urban image and the life quality of the inhabitants.

Therefore, the project manages to regenerate the green spaces tangent to the waterfront, to reconnect existing and new public spaces proposed by various routes and reactivates waterfronts through the proposed new activities. All these aspects transforming the banks of the Crișul Repede River and the Peța Stream into a tourist attraction at both the local and national levels.

Urban and Landscape Design
Año académico