ACTIVE LANDSCAPE. A dynamic strategy for a weak land, the case-study of Monte San Bartolo

ACTIVE LANDSCAPE. A dynamic strategy for a weak land, the case-study of Monte San Bartolo

Master Thesis Laboratory in Landscape Architecture and Infrastructures

University of Ferrara

The landscape of Monte San Bartolo is a very fragile land with a steep cliff overlooking the Adriatic Sea that has long been subject to landslides and fires which are seriously endangering the stability of  human settlements and the infrastructures there. In the next 80 years, IPCC predicts that sea level rise will grow up to 1 meter quickly increasing the risk of erosion and the collapse of the villages built nearby the cliff. The thesis strategy is not aimed at just fixing and freezing the current situation with a heavy infrastructure, leading to further decay, but proposes to get inside transformative dynamics of the landscape and to guide its evolution to generate a new inviting scenario. The project focuses on the stretch of cliff from Gabicce to Pesaro considering it as an elastic: if in some points it is necessary to generate a thickening of the coast line, moving the contact of the sea from the foot of the mountain, in the immediately following areas, the erosive action of the sea can proceed, with a consequent retreat. In this way the landscape is activated letting landslides be the trigger for a new transformative process that will reach its own stability by 2100. Two sample areas are presented to show the different actions to be developed in growing and erosion sites. Such long lasting program is supported by a monitoring project that is meant to progressively feed back the planned interventions by fine-tuning the inputs of the numeric models that ground the proposal.

Architecture Department / Sealine Research Centre
Año académico