CALORIE AS FUEL - Energy Generation in Landscape through Outdoor Activities

CALORIE AS FUEL - Energy Generation in Landscape through Outdoor Activities

Master Thesis

Hochschule Anhalt - Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

One source of renewable energy that has been long overlooked is the human body itself. How be usable energy for outdoor spaces harnessed from physical exercise of a human being? The Larger areas of interest for research are physical exercises with repetitive movements of various parts of a human body to burn calories, energy generation through these activities and forms of usable energy in a landscape.
Research outcome is expected as a modular design proposal as well as a design at an existing site at Salt Lake City in Utah State, USA. The proposal focus on the possible physical outcome of the research. Besides that, a comparative relationship will be built between energy generating activities, equipment, and produce energy to serve an outdoor space as well. Study results can be used as a model for projects where people can generate energy by physical exercises. It also focusses on how these new additional elements merge with a regular recreational landscape design. The proposed solution can be used as an example where people would identify their contribution to the community by the amount of energy they generated, instead of merely counting the number of calories burnt every day. What if we can change the thought process from burning Calories to producing Watts? What if people could say, I lit the light of a park for 5 minutes today instead of saying that I burnt 500 calories for example.

Department 1: Agriculture, Ecotrophology, and Landscape Development/ Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
Año académico