Reconceptualising Brighton Seafront

Reconceptualising Brighton Seafront

MA Landscape and Urbanism

Kingston University London

Brighton represents an overly complex and dynamic cityscape within a dense urban area alongside the seafront. Very distinctive buildings across the seafront represent traces of the past and create a collection of architectural features infused with contemporary buildings. The prime examples of these features is the Madeira Terrace. All these unique urban elements host, at various times of the year, a wide range of cultural activities and are vital for the economy of the city.
Brighton also needs to protect against the climate changes such as sea storms (causing flooding and soil erosion) and the magnitude of population mobility between different seasons. Climate change is showing an increase in the water levels from tidal activities in the next 50-100 years of about 30-50 cm. These changes in sea levels will have a significant effect on the city and its ability to host social and economic events in the future.
This project will have a significant positive impact to retain the cultural and economic strength of the city with direct impact on the resident’s standards of living and the tourism activity in the city. The proposed idea is based on protecting and enhancing the seaside area by combining the grey and green infrastructure with the Rip Rap stone technique. These stones are combined with effective local vegetation that serve not only as attractive features but as important elements of the public realm.

Department of Architecture and Landscape
Año académico
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