Spina Dorsela

Spina Dorsela

cinétique, climate-change adaptation to natural hazards

ETH Zurich

" Creating space for melting mountains "

The Upper Engadin area is currently facing various challenges. On one hand, natural hazards, intensified by climate change and the thawing of permafrost, such as floods, debris flows and rockfalls. On the other hand, unplanned settlement growth, leading to spaces that are disconnected from their surroundings, and lacking urban qualities. Consequently, due to human settlements and agricultural expansion, the Engadin mountains have been detached from the river basin of the Inn, with negative consequences for both flora and fauna. “Spina Dorsela” aims to address these challenges and transform them into opportunities. The Inn river acquires a new role and becomes the backbone of the valley. Through renaturation, it can absorb large amounts of water during heavy precipitation, while creating habitats of increased ecological value. Additionally, it offers seasonal recreational spaces for residents and visitors. Perpendicular to the Inn river, forested cross ribs create a new structure in the valley that can mitigate natural hazards from the side valleys and connect the mountain to the river. This structuring of the valley provides the infrastructure for a sustainable expansion of the settlements. In the future, there may even be an alpine city that emerges, developing between and in harmony with the opposing forces of the mountain and the river.

D- ARCH Department of Architecture / Landscape Architecture / Studio Voser
Año académico