"Trace" Breath in the history of Süleymaniye

"Trace" Breath in the history of Süleymaniye

Landscape Design IV: Urban Jungle

Istanbul Technical University

The cultural and historical heritage of Süleymaniye Neighborhood is to highlight through the architectural structures and spaces that have lost their visibility. These spaces and intangible values are provided by creating green textures where the urban heat island effect is reduced, ecological services are activated and biodiversity is increased by placing them on a green spine in the existing space. Integrity has been achieved by establishing green corridors by establishing connections between green textures.

Most of the places whose visibility is desired to be increased are trying to maintain their old functions by some associations and foundations. In addition to providing opportunities such as research and source work, it organizes programs and seminars that provide the opportunity to receive training from different disciplines. A route has been created and places where similar activities can be carried out in areas open to this route have been designed. Virtual publicity was supported by developing the "CHASE" mobile application in order to easily access the dates and venues of these programs.Strategies were determined to increase ecosystem services and they responded spatially. In line with the analyzes made throughout the neighborhood, different permeable floor designs and afforestation studies were carried out in the spaces. The Climate Positive target of 289 years has been reduced to 57 years.

Landscape Architecture
Año académico