Proyecto Final de Carrera - Catedra Arq. Garaffa

Universidad Nacional de Rosario

The project is born of understanding the mobility infrastructure as structuring the territory and generating opportunities for urban development.

It emphasizes transformation processes with a scalar reading that goes from the metropolitan region to the city, understanding the park as an urban void which identity should be given, equipping it with specific infrastructure equipment such as the intermodal station.

In areas affected by freight railway infrastructures, and in continuity with the public spaces that occur along the riverfront, the development of a park that acts as a new urban component is proposed. This would allow the integration of two sectors of the city through a large common space.

Diversity is the strategy that allows the intervention of the large scale. For this reason, different equipments are proposed throughout the park. Among them, the station is the referential and omnipresent element within the large scale.

At the same time, the diversity of uses, added to the flows and connections between them, are those that give the quality of public space to the park.

Understanding the location condition and its symbiotic relationship with the park, the station is conceived as a horizontal line over the large area. This line becomes an urban roof which offers shade and shelter for the park. 

In this way, the set of public facilities along with the railway infrastructure and the leisure and recreation areas of the park, configure the new urban landscape of the city.

Facultad de Arquitectura Planeamiento y Diseño
Año académico