5ª Bienal 2008

Lecturer 2, 5 and 11
Gills Clement is a Horticultural engineer, landscape architect, author, gardener, and teacher at the « Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage » in Versailles (ENSP). In additional to his activity as a creator of parks, gardens , public and private areas, he pursues his theoretical and practical investigations in three directions : The Garden in Motion, a concept derived from experiments in his own garden in the Creuse, and applied to public areas in France and abroad beginning in 1983. The initial description of this work was published in 1991 with four successive reprints by Sens and Tonka in Paris. The idea was put into practice for the first time in a public space in 1986 at the André Citroën Park in Paris, inaugurated in 1999. Numerous projects based on this principle of management have since been carried out, in particular at the “Lycée Agriculturel Jules Rieffel” in Saint Herblain (Loire Atlantique) between 2004 and 2009. The Planetary Garden, a political project, based on ecological humanism, first brought to public attention by a novel/essay Thomas et le Voyageur, published by Albin Michel in 1996, and by a major exhibit in the “Grande Halle de la Villette” in Paris (1999/2000) as well as by a certain number of studies: -the Planetary Garden of Shanghai -the Landscape Charter of Vassivière (Limousin) and other work in progress. The Third -Landscape -a concept developed in the course of a landscape appraisal in the Limousin, defined as a « hesitant fragment of the Planetary Garden », applied to all neglected (friche) or left behind spaces (délaissés) which he considers as the principal breeding area for biological diversity.

Maria Goula,康奈尔大学CALS(农业与生命科学学院)景观系副教授,生境地域及旅游局研究员,客座于加泰罗尼亚理工大学、马拉加大学教授海岸旅游课程,主要集中研究休闲模式和海岸潜力。2000年至今巴塞罗那国际景观建筑双年展成员之一。荣誉如下:凭借论文The other landscapes; readings of the variable image获得2009年UPC景观设计理论领域的杰出博士奖,博士导师是 Rosa Barba, M. de Sol?-Morales;和Jamie Vanucchi同为康奈尔大学“郊野群岛”团队负责人。2018年6月“纽约运河的重构”国家设计大赛决赛入围团队之一。

Manuel Ruis醤chez,建筑师、景观设计师。加泰罗尼亚理工大学城市以及领域规划系成员,ETSAV建筑学院教授(1982-1992),1991年至今任景观硕士教授,1992年至今任规划本科教学教授。曾是华盛顿大学、哈佛大学、威尼斯建筑学院访问教授。目前也是加泰罗尼亚建筑师协会文化理事会会员,LUB会员、AxA会员。第五届国际景观双年展主席,第六届国际景观双年展决赛入围。Ruis醤chez事务所创始人,实践项目获多项奖项。


西班牙建筑师,毕业于巴塞罗那建筑学院,城市规划专业。在加泰罗尼亚理工大学的景观设计硕士课程及国际硕士课程从事教学工作。获得城市规划与公共建设部的国家城市规划奖,Paul Getty基金会研究所奖学金。长年从事景观及房屋项目,土地分布及城市规划研究。目前是加泰罗尼亚建筑师协会景观部负责人。

建筑学士学位,硕士毕业于加泰罗尼亚理工大学景观设计专业。Sara Bartumeus目前是美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校建筑学院副教授。任教于加泰罗尼亚理工大学硕士景观课程与规划系。她是巴塞罗那城市规划实验室的研究员,也是巴塞罗那城市协会与加泰罗尼亚建筑协会成员,重点研究城市规划与景观方向。在Renau Bartumeus Arquetectes SLP事务所里,自1994年起,她主要从事景观、城市规划与设计等专业实践,重点关注社区住宅、公共空间与社区设施。她杰出的工作被赋予了多项奖项,其作品已在全球被展览并出版。