Jordi Bellmunt

Architect with a degree from ETSAB in 1980; he has been a professor in the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori (UPC) since 1982. Professor in the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture at the UPC since 1987. Director of the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture (UPC) since 2000. Deputy director of the ETSAB from 1997 to 2006 and director of the Graduat Superior course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC from 2000 to 2006. Has helped organize the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona on 9 occasions since 1999. Adviser to the Barcelona City Council and to COAC’s Oficina de Paisatge. Medalla Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya 2010.Visiting professor at various universities and cultural institutions around the world since 1980. Founder together with Agata Buscemi of B2B Arquitectes.