3rd Lecturers

Dominique Perrault

Lecturer 3

Architect DPLG, Urban Planner SFU. Born 1953 in Clermont-Ferrand, France; works in Paris, Barcelone, Luxemburg, Baltimore USA Most important projects: French National Library, Paris, France; Olympic Velodrome and Swimming pool, Berlin, Germany; APLIX S.A.- Industrial manufacturing facility, Nantes, France; Great Extension of the European Court of Justice, Luxemburg (studies in progress); Las Teresitas seafront and village, Tenerife, Spain, (studies in progress); Two office and hotel towers on the "Diagonal" in Barcelone, Spain, (studies in progress). State Acedmic Mariinsky Theatre, Second stage, St Petersburg, Russia, (studies in progress). 1997 Mies van der Rohe Pavilion Award for European Architecture for the French National Library. Since 2000 member of the Urbanism Committee of the City of Barcelona, Spain.


Lecturer 3

Perejaume lives and works in Sant Pol de Mar and in the Montnegre hills. His work brings together literary and visual practices. Painting, writing and long walks have contributed in his body of work to a redefinition of the art of landscape, as corroborated by exhibitions such as "Postaler" (1984), "A 2.000 metres de pintura sobre el nivell del mar" (1988), "Galeria Joan Prats, Coll de Pol-Cim del Costabona" (1990), "Girona, Pineda, Sant Pol i la Vall d'Oo" (1997), "Bocamont, Ceret, Figueres, el Prat, Tarragona i Valls" (2000), "L'obra de Granollers" (2002) and "Retrotabula" (2003).

Verena Andreatta

Lecturer 3

Architect and urban planner (Bennett Faculties, Rio de Janeiro, 1981). Master's degree in Housing, Planning and Building (Institute for Housing Studies, Rotterdam, 1984). Director of Urban Designs and President of the Municipal Urban Planning Institute of the Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (1993-2000) during which time she participated in the management of the emblematic urban rehabilitation programmes "Rio-Cidade" and "Favela- Bairro”. She is currently working as an Urban Development Adviser.

Joaquim Español

Lecturer 2 and 3

Joaquim Español is an architect and staff lecturer at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB). His joint work with Francesc Hereu has been recognised by various exhibitions, prizes (FAD Prize for Architecture, 2nd European Prize for Public Space) and publications, the most recent of which is “F. Hereu-J. Espanol. 10 anys d'Arquitectura”. ln his research he has explored fields such as formal languages (1973 National Architecture Prize) and form construction techniques (1996 Extraordinary Doctorate Prize). He has published articles, monographs and books, including: El orden fràgil de la Arquitectura, Invitación a la Arquitectura and Arquitectes en el paisatge, and two volumes of poetry, which have also received prizes. He is now Director of Urban Plans and Designs of Barcelona City Council.

Joan Ganyet

Lecturer 3

The architect Joan Ganyet Solé headed the Council of La Seu d'Urgell for twenty years, and has made a name for himself for his defence of nature as a fundamental means for the development of the High Pyrenees. Since 1983, he has devoted much of his work to improving the social reality of mountain towns by means of his intense political activity (Member of the Catalan Parliament, 1980-1995; Senator for Lleida in the Spanish Parliament, 1995-1999). In 2003 he was appointed Correspondent Scholar for La Seu d'Urgell of the Royal Catalan Sant Jordi Fine Arts Academy.

Carme Bonell

Lecturer 3

Carmen Bonell is a PhD in Philosophy and Letters and a senior professor of Aesthetics and History of Contemporary Art in the Department of Architectural Composition of the UPC. Collaborator as a lecturer in the Master in Landscape Architecture, she has been a professor of the Degree in Higher Degree in Landscaping since its establishment. She is the author, among other publications, of La Divina Proportion, Geometric forms (Barcelona, 1994; expanded edition Barcelona 1999, and Mexico 1999) and Las Layes de la Pintura (Barcelona, 1997).

Joan Nogué

Lecturer 3

Joan Nogué (1958) is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Girona. He gained his Doctorate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and continued his studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison (USA). He was Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) from 1997 to 2002 and visiting lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires. Specialist in landscape studies and geographical and territorial thinking, topics on which he has written -alone or in collaboration with other authors- ten books. He is co-editor of Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica and author of numerous articles in prestigious international reviews on the two main themes of his research.

Oriol Nel·lo

Lecturer 3

Oriol Nel·lo (1957) has a degree in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Master in International Affairs from Johns Hopkins University. Researcher at the Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore (1984-1985), and the Institute of Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (1985-1986), of which he will be director (1988-1999). Since 1988 he is a professor in the Department of Geography of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has taught courses and seminars at different Spanish and European universities. Author of numerous books and articles. Since 1994, Vice President of the Catalan Society of Regional Affairs, a subsidiary of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

Jaume Terradas

Lecturer 3

Jaume Terradas was born in Barcelona in 1943. He is Professor of Ecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Leader in research into terrestrial ecosystems and first president of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology. ln 1992 he received the Narcis Monturiol Prize for Scientific and Technological Research for his promotion of forestry research in Catalonia. He is now an active investigator at the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) and a member of the Metropolitan Board of Collserola Park, and of the Scientific Committee of WWF-ADENA.

Javier Maderuelo

Lecturer 3 and 5

Doctor of Architecture from the University of Valladolid. Doctor of Art History from the University of Saragossa. Professor of Landscape Architecture in the Department of Architecture at the University of Alcalá. He has taught more than one hundred specialized courses and seminars. He has taught Ph.D. courses at the University of Valladolid, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, in the Basque Country, and at the Porto School of the Arts, Oporto. Visiting professor at the National University of Chile, the University of Lisbon, and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). He works as a critic and essayist and frequently writes on art and architecture. He has been an art critic for the El Independiente newspaper and for the magazine Cyan in the past, and has worked in this capacity for El País since 1993. He directs the Huesca County Council’s Art and Nature program as well as the publications published under the same name, in addition to those courses held between 1995 and 1999. As a continuation of this program, he directs the courses on Landscape for the CDAN-Beulas Foundation of Huesca. Presently, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Reina Sofía National Museum Art Center.