Vicente Guallart

Lecturer 7

Vicente Guallart is the Chief Architect of the city council of Barcelona and founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), which he directed during its first 10 years. Vicente Guallart is a pioneer of interaction between nature, technology and architecture, proposing new paradigms based in urban, social and cultural conditions emerging from the information society. From this position, he has explored the emergence of a new kind of urban development linked to the concept of the Metàpolis (a term coined by the French sociologist François Ascher), as a discontinuous metropolis that calls for the project design of both the constructed and the natural. He also created his own professional studio, Guallart Architects, now directed by Maria Diaz, a widely recognized architectural practice achieving numerous international awards, as well as participating in several one-man and collective exhibitions. He is the author of numerous books, including GCeoLogics, Socióôpolis, Media House Project and Geocat, and co-author of the Metàpolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture, the research study HiperCatalunya, and editor of the book Self-sufficient Housing.
