5th Biennial 2008

Lecturer 5
Philosopher and journalist. He currently directs the Barcelona Center of Contemporary Culture and contributes to El País and Cadena SER (radio station). In the past, he was director of the Institute of Humanities (1986-1989), contributed to La Vanguardia newspaper (1980-1996), and taught contemporary philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1975-1990). He has also published several books, which include On Condensed Time (Random House Mondadori, Barcelona 2003) and After the Political Passion (Taurus, Madrid 1999).

Lecturer 5
Gilles Lipovetsky born in France in 1944. Professor of philosophy. Honorary Doctorate from Sherbrooke University (Canada) and from the New Bulgarian University (Sofi a). Knight of the Legion of Honor. Member of the National Council of Programs (National education) up to 2005. Member of the Prime Minister’s Council on the Analysis of Society. Consulting expert to the APM (Association for Management Progress). Field of research: the transformation of regulations, values, and behaviors in western developed societies. He has participated in seminars and conferences on the Ethics of large industrial or banking groups in Europe and America as well as in research seminars on individualism, luxury, consumption, and contemporary lifestyles around the world. He has had several works published recently, which include: “Essay on the Society of Hyperconsumption” (2006), “The Society of Deception” (2006), and “The Global Screen” (2007).

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Barcelona 1939-2012. Architect and urban planner, specifi cally dedicated to the subject of urban design. Student of Ludovico Quaroni in Rome and Josep Lluis Sert at Harvard. Professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture of Barcelona. Founder and director of the Urban Planning Laboratory of Barcelona since 1968, a group researching urban morphology. He has given courses in urban design at universities in Cambridge (UK), New York, Santiago (Chile), Lisbon, Harvard, Lovaina, Milan, Naples, Caracas, Coimbra, Paris, Nanjing, Shanghai, Melbourne, Copenhagen, etc… Director of the Master’s courses entitled “Planning the periphery” (1991- 95). Director of the School of Architecture of Barcelona from 1994 to 1998. Fellow of the University of Cambridge, UK (1984). Member of the French Academy of Architecture (2003). Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Lovaina (2004).

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Environmental Planning and Landscape design are the main concern of the activity of Guido Ferrara since 1967. He has been involved in Italy in several schemes regarding landscape planning and design of open spaces in urban areas, resources analysis and assessment for tourism and recreation with special focus on outstanding beauty areas and historical heritage. As manager director, interdisciplinary teams have designed a suitable and sustainable future of large districts in Italy, referring to the creation of Natural Parks. He was given the highest award at various competitions on planning and landscape planning; he has also carried out numerous researches into landscape analysis and conservation. He was serving as Professor of Landscape Architecture to the University of Florence from 1970 to 2007; from 1997 he was Director of the post graduate School in Landscape Design of the same University. From 2006 he is scientific director of the magazine Architettura del paesaggio.

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Urban Planning Grand Prize 2003. Landscape Grand Prize 1992. Alumnus of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris Landscape Designer with a Degree from the Ministry of Agriculture. Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, Versailles. Visiting Professor at the University of Architecture of Geneva (1999/2002). Collaborated with Jacques Simon, Landscape Designer (from 1964 to 1966). Associated Member of the Studio of Urban Planning and Architecture (A.U.A). Ruban d’Argent prize 1999 for the development of the roof over the North highway in Saint-Denis. Knight of the National Order of Merit 1999. Courrier du maire prize, category: Urban Project “City of Montreuil” 1993. Silver Medal from the Architecture Academy “Accompaniment Architecture” with Claire Corajoud (in 1985). Winner of the Architectural Studies Grand Prize, from the A.U.A. Book entitled “Michel Corajoud”, VISAGE Collection, Hartmann Éditions (2000). Author of numerous published articles. 2007 Construction of a residence for the Soeurs Clarisses (cloistered nuns) and of the gatehouse on-site at the Notre-Dame Chapel of Haut in Ronchamp with Renzo Piano Building Workshop. 2007 Extension of the T3 tramway - Lot 1: Pte d’Ivry / Pte de Charenton with Christian Devillers, ARCADIS, COTEBA.