2nd Biennial 2001

Gilles Clément


Lecturer 2, 5 and 11

Gills Clement is a Horticultural engineer, landscape architect, author, gardener, and teacher at the « Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage » in Versailles (ENSP). In additional to his activity as a creator of parks, gardens , public and private areas, he pursues his theoretical and practical investigations in three directions : The Garden in Motion,  a concept derived from experiments in his own garden in the Creuse, and applied to public areas in France and abroad beginning in 1983. The initial description of this work was published in 1991 with four successive reprints by Sens and Tonka in Paris. The idea was put into practice for the first time in a public space in 1986 at the André Citroën Park in Paris, inaugurated in 1999. Numerous projects based on this principle of management have since been carried out, in particular at the “Lycée Agriculturel Jules Rieffel” in Saint Herblain (Loire Atlantique) between 2004 and 2009. The Planetary Garden, a political project, based on ecological humanism, first brought to public attention by a novel/essay Thomas et le Voyageur, published by Albin Michel in 1996, and by a major exhibit in the “Grande Halle de la Villette” in Paris (1999/2000) as well as by a certain number of studies: -the Planetary Garden of Shanghai -the Landscape Charter of Vassivière (Limousin) and other work in progress. The Third -Landscape -a concept developed in the course of a landscape appraisal in the Limousin, defined as a « hesitant fragment of the Planetary Garden », applied to all neglected (friche) or  left  behind spaces (délaissés) which he considers as the principal breeding area for biological diversity.


Antoni Falcon

Lecturer 2 

Master gardener and specialist technician for the School of Gardening and Landscape Nicolau M. Rubió i Tudurí, diploma at the École Technique Horticole d'Orleans, diploma at the École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles, and a diploma in Edaphology and Phytogenetics from the University of Barcelona. Master in Management Function in Local Administrations and in Senior Management of Business by the Higher School of Business Administration and Management (ESADE).

Ramón Torra

Born in Barcelona, 1955 ETSAB-trained architect. He is Director of Public Space Services of the Council of Barcelona Municipalities and a member of the Technical Team of the Barcelona Metropolitan Territorial Planning Commission. From 1982 to 1992 he was Director of the Territorial Area of Granollers Town Council. He drafted the General Plan of Granollers and various planning and project designs for public space.



Manuel Ruisánchez

Lecturer 1 and 2

Architect and landscape architect, member of the Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori de la UPC, professor of Landscape Architecture in ETSAV (1982-1992), Master of Landscape in UPC since 1991 and of urbanism (degree) in ETSAB since 1992. He has been a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, GSD Harvard University and Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, IUAV. He is currently Member of Culture of the Governing Board of the COAC, a member of LUB and AxA. He has been president of the international jury of the V Biennial of Landscape Barcelona and finalist in II and VI editions. Founding partner of Ruisánchez Arquitectes, working on Landscape Architecture, Urbanism and Architecture projects, he has been recognized with several awards including: Fad Architecture Prize in 1997, Catalonia Construction Award, 2005 Catalonia Social Housing Award 2007 Technal Architecture Prize in 2008, Barcelona City Award, Architecture and Urbanism 2012.

Meto J. Vroom

Lecturer 2

Born in 1929. He studied landscape architecture at the Wageningen Agricultural University and the University of Pennsylvania. After six years of experience as a landscape consultant of the State Forest Service, he was appointed Professor and Chairman of Landscape Architecture at the Wageningen Agricultural University, where he remained until his retirement in 1994. He has written numerous articles on landscape and urban planning as well as the book “Outdoor Space”.



Franco Zagari

Lecturer 1 and 2

Landscape architect. Professor of landscape architecture at the Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria, where he founded the Dipartimento Oasi, served as Director from 2002 to 2008, and currently coordinates the doctoral program entitled “Parks, Gardens, and Territorial Planning.” From 1996 to 2004, he served as president of the Rome and Lazio division of IN/Arch. The French Minister of Culture awarded him with the Chévalier des Arts et Lettres in 1998. Honored with the European Premio Gubbio for the squares of Saint-Denis. His projects include: Italian Garden, Osaka, 1990; Matteotti Square, Catanzaro, 1992; Prehistoric Cave Welcome Area, Niaux, 1994; Montecitorio Square, Rome, 1998; Central Squares, Cisterna di Latina, 1997-2005; Manzoni Square, Monte - grotto, 2002; Lungomare Faleria, Porto Sant’Elpidio, 2003; Floating Terrace in Eur Lake, Rome, 2005-2006; Central Squares, Saint-Denis, 2005-2007; Dome of the Presidency of the Republic of Georgia, 2007; Station’s Underground Walkway, Bergamo, 2008. His essays include: L’architettura del giardino contemporaneo, 1988; Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 1990; Giardino italiano a Osaka, 1990; Piazza Montecitorio, 1998; Questo è paesaggio. 48 definizioni, 2006. Giardini - Manuale di progettazione, 2009; Piazza Matteotti a Catanzaro. Il volto della città, 2009.



Enric Batlle i Durany

Enric Batlle founded in 1981, together with Joan Roig, BATLLEIROIG ARQUITECTES developing Building, Planning and Landscape projects. Master of Landscape Architecture and PhD of Architecture from 2002, is also Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the UPC since 1982. Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture ETSAB - UPC and professor of Architecture Landscape Planning and Architecture Workshop in UPC - ETSAV. His work “El Jardín de la Metrópoli” (Ed. Gustavo Gili, 2011) was awarded with FAD Award in category of Theory and Criticism of Architecture in 2012, among others.



Carles Llop i Torné

PhD Architect, Professor and Director of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Member and founder of JORNET_LLOP_PASTOR Architects, with whom he has received, amongst others, the following acknowledgment: National Planning Award 2006 from the Spanish Ministry of Housing for the plan of "La Mina" neighborhood's transformation in Sant Adrià de Besos (Barcelona). The Catalonia Prize for Urban Development 2009 for the plan of economic activity of "Ca n'Alemany" in Viladecans (Barcelona). The European Prize for Urban Development 2010 (EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Achievement Award 2010), awarded by the European Council of Town Planners of Regions and the European Union for "La Mina" neighborhood's transformation in Sant Adrià de Besos (Barcelona). Planning Award of XI Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennale 2011 for the Municipal Urban Development plan of Montemeló (Barcelona).






Gustav Lange

Ponente 2

Born in Oldenburg (Germany), 1937. He began his apprenticeship as a gardener in 7954, gained his master's degree at Hohenheim in 1961 and studied Gardening and Landscape Design at the Kassel Academy of Arts. Recently he has designed the urban spaces and landscape schemes for Postdammer Platz, Berlin, the Preussische Herrenhaus Park and the Residence of the Federal Council. Since 1989, he has lectured in Open Space Design at the University of Kassel.

Joan Llort

Lecturer 1 and 2

Born in Tarragona, 1950. Graduate architect from the ETSAB lecturer on the master's degree course in Landscape Architecture at the UPC He is Director of the Territorial Service of Urbanism and Territorial Planning of Tarragona and, from 2000, General Director of Town Planning. Main works: co-designer of the General Plan for Cambrils and Altafulla; Partial Industrial Plan for Riu- Clar, Tarragona; Partial Residential Plan for Sant Ramon, Tarragona, and Partial Territorial Planning for the Terres de l'Ebre.