Rosa Barba Finalistas

Landslag - Þráinn Hauksson

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Saxhóll crater Stairway

Þráinn Hauksson,冰岛景观设计师,出生于1957年,求学于哥本哈根,自2007 年起担任Landslag事务所负责人。冰岛设计基金董事会成员,冰岛建筑师协会委 员、冰岛景观设计师协会委员。其主要项目涉及城市规划、公共空间、国家花园 和旅游景点。曾赢得了冰岛建筑竞赛大奖。其项目Saxhóll 火山口步道、哈帕广 场公共空间、Sigluf jörður雪崩防御景观结构等获得国际认可。于欧盟地区和斯 堪的纳维亚地区进行过Landslag项目的展示。

Kongjian Yu - Turenscape

Rosa Barba Finalist 8, 9 and 10

Qunli stormwater Park

A flood adaptive landscape: Yanweizhou park in Jinhua City

Performative & Transformative: Quzhou luming park

俞孔坚,哈佛GSD设计学博士,北京大学建筑与景观学院、土人景观创始人。 其设计理念的关键词“大脚革命”、“生存艺术”、“海绵城市”已在200多个 城市得以实践。其作品多次获得国际奖项,包括12项ASLA奖,5项WAF最佳景 观奖。其理论在中国生态运动进程中被有效地广泛采用。于2016年当选为美国 艺术与科学学院院士,并获得了意大利罗马萨皮恩萨大学的荣誉博士学位。

Paolo Bürgi - architect

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

San Michele open air museum in Gorizia Karst

 B黵gi,教授,瑞士景观建筑师,任教于宾夕法尼亚大学、威尼斯IUAV大学 、米兰理工大学。曾在CERN, Switzerland, 慔elsinki Toolonlathi Parks’, Finland or 慍arso 2014+’, Italy等国际竞赛中获得诸多奖项.在 加拿大、美国、阿根廷、哥伦比亚、古巴、智利、韩国、中国和欧洲各地的会 议上发表专业相关论文并出版。2003年凭借项目Cardada获得“罗莎芭芭拉景观 奖”,同时凭借项目Seashore Kreuzlingen获得揇ie Besten第三届青铜奖 ”。其在戈里齐亚的喀斯特地貌区上的“露天博物馆”项目在2018威尼斯双年 展展出。

Yao Peng - Architect

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Jiahe river country park respone to urban flood risk

Yao Peng, Beijing Forestry University, associate professor, tutor for master's degree,姚朋,北京林业大学,副教授,硕士生导师,主修风景园林规划与设计。主要讲授风景园林设计课程,并指导学生赢得多项国际设计竞赛奖;主办并参与完成了多个项目获得了 IFLA AAPME杰出奖、荣誉奖和中国教育部奖等多个设计奖项;参与多项课题研究并在核心期刊发表多篇学术论文。

Julio Gaeta + Luby Sringall

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Linear park Cuernavaca Railroad

我们对人、场地和生态系统的创建感兴趣, 通过将人类的本质与物质现实联系起来,进行有意义的场地设计,能使我们理解自身的存在, 回归人类的本质。

曾参加多次竞赛取得第一名:Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca线性公园设计国际竞赛, Celaya 新教堂设计竞赛, 2014年威尼斯双年展墨西哥馆设计竞赛,墨西哥暴力受害者纪念碑设计竞赛.这些竞赛的建成意味着我们同时收获了团队最重要的作品.我们的项目荣获: 基多双年展城市设计和景观建筑一等奖,在其他不同的双年展中分获墨西哥建筑3枚银牌和1枚金牌。

Thomas Doxiadis - Doxiadis+

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Landscapes of Cohabitation

doxiadis+ ,一个充满热情与活力的专业设计团队, 成立于 1999年, 致力于提供满足人与自然共享的解决方案。我们的价值观引导我们的设计。我们秉承场地、用户与环境的相互协调,秉承对自然界, 对于已经存在的事物,以及对一切形式的生命的尊重。我们认为自己的工作是为活的有机体, 包括人类和其他生物创造构架,来帮助他们发掘自己存在的意义。我们为复杂问题提供和谐和创造性的解决方案, 从而带来价值。对设计

的热情,能将我们重新与自然连接, 与景观连接, 甚至与我们自己连接。我们是为共生而设计的团队。

Mayslits Kassif Architects

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Tel Aviv's central promenade Renewal

Mayslits Kassif事务所, 1994年由Ganit Mayslits Kassif 和 Udi Kassif创建于特拉维夫,Maor Roytman于2008年加入其中。自成立以来,其项目实践涵盖了公共建筑、景观设计、城市设计以及战略规划,皆有力地表达了建筑是文化和环境转型的主导力量。该事务所结合不同的 学术领域,并将环境营造视为一个能够加以研究和 创新的领域,通过探索诸如包容性、专一性、可能性等多样的概念来开发出新方式去改善和修饰我们的居住环境。其在城市和公共领域的革新方面做出了卓越的贡献,已获得的多个主流公共竞赛和著名的国际国内奖项便是最好的佐证。

IN SITU - Emmanuel Jalbert

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Halle Pajol, Rosa Luxembourg Garden

Emmanuel Jalbert, SAS JALBERT & ASSOCIES 事务所首席执行官, 此事务所专注于景观与城市规划.2009年成为OPQU认证城市规划师,,1985年于凡尔赛高等景观学校 (E.N.S.P.)获法国国家风景园林师(DPLG)认证文凭, 并于巴黎-马拉盖国立高等建筑 学院获本科建筑学学位2011年至今,任In Situ景观和城市规划CEO, SAS In Situ风景园林设计总监(1991-2011),1991年In Situ成立时, 与Annie Tardivon 合作景观设计。任教于凡尔赛景观学院、里昂、格勒诺布尔、蒙特利尔、日内瓦建筑学院。法国景观联盟成员,城市和可持续规划协会成员,(格勒诺布尔日内瓦、里昂)竞赛评选委员会成员,里昂大都市圈设计工作坊成员。任Grenoble景观设计事务所顾问(2005-2010,里昂城市社区工作坊景观设计顾问。1991年至1984年期间,作为景观设计师在景观工作室工作(1987/1989),与Michel Corajoud 合作项目(1984/1987)。从事景观设计专业活动(1984-1987)。2018年荣获鲁昂(FR)塞纳河沿岸项目设计获法国国家景观大奖。

CZ studio Associati

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

Sacca Sessola Island open spaces and historical park project

CZ studio associati, 2006年建筑师Paolo Ceccon和Laura Zampieri为城市, 景观和建筑中的项目实施,学术研究, 和环境影响评估共同成立此事务所。目前, 该办公室正在进行关于复杂的城市空间改造、私人和公共公园、景观建筑基础设施、绿色能源、可拆卸移动、水力和环境资源管理有关的项目和工程。该工作室目前在国际舞台上获得许多奖项: Sacca Sessola 岛开放空间和历史公园设计获  “2017Oderzo建筑学奖” , Jesolo Lido公寓建筑项目设计 (与Richard Meier等合作伙伴)获2013美国建筑荣誉奖, AIA纽约奖章, Padua火车站新广场设计获2013 国际建筑奖芭芭拉 Cappochin-省级奖。

Sacha Coles - ASPECT Studios

Rosa Barba Finalist 9

The goods line

ASPECT务所悉尼分部的总负责人. 他是国际知名的景观设计师,长于高生命力的公共空间设计. 他曾今是澳大利亚前总理景观部门智囊团成员,现在是悉尼科技大学景观专 业教授. 至今已经获得众多国际和国家奖项,例如多次获得澳大利亚城市设计公爵 奖、IFLA奖以及AILA

Lodewijk van Nieuwenhuijze - (H+N+S)

Rosa Barba Finalist  9

Landartpark Buitenschot

Lodewijk van Nieuwenhuijze(1950-)曾在瓦赫宁根农学院学习景观设 计。1976-1985他在荷兰林业委员会工1980-1985他在 Dorschkamp研究所工作1985-1990他是荷兰林业委员会中央办公 室的高级景观设计师领导景观建筑系期间项目包括Ooievaar计划 1990他与Dik HamhuisDirk Sijmons共同创建了H+N+S务所。他 的研究领域是区域景观规划、水和土地的景观规划设计概念、自然发展、 堤防加固和水侵

Martin Rein-Cano - TOPOTEK1

Rosa Barba Finalist 9


TOPOTEK 1Martin Rein-Cano1996创建于德国柏林。Lorenz Dexler Francesca Venier先后于1999年和2014年加入并分别为任事股东与建 师。TOPOTEK 1将自身定位为边境跨越者在不同学科、类型学与尺度 边缘游走。其致力于公共城市空间设计与城市主题发展进程更涉足到展 览和艺术的概念和实现装置。TOPOTEK 1项目曾获得众多奖项,并出版了若 专业书籍与文章

G. Descombes, J. Descombes, M. Rampini - Atelier Descombes Rampini

Rosa Barba Finalist 9

Renaturation of the river aire

Atelier DescombesRampini 务所成立于2000,主要从事公共空, 以及城市规划等街道小尺度到城市区域群大尺度的项目。 Georges Descombes, 任教于日内瓦大学,经是哈佛大学、弗吉尼亚与贝 尔拉格大学在阿姆斯特丹分部访问教授.其具有代表性的项目包括瑞士之 路、Bijlmer纪念园、Lancy公园、Aire河修复、Jardinsd’Eole公园、汇聚公共空间。与Atelier DescombesRampini 务所合作多年。Julien Descombes建筑瑞士建筑师联盟成员士景观联盟成员也是 DescombesRampini 务所创始人。Marco Rampini建筑瑞士建筑师 联盟成员瑞士景观联盟成员也是DescombesRampini 务所创始人

David Walker - PWP

Rosa Barba Finalist 9
With Jay Swaintek, Doug Findlay and Peter Walker

Barangaroo reserve

David Walker 是一家具有30设计经验事务所的设计合作伙伴Peter Walker紧密合作。他曾领导了众多获奖项目包括了不同尺度、预算与设 计个性将设计构想和诀窍成功实现于世界各地的项目作品中。他曾领 导了众多大型国际设计项目包括世界贸易中心纪念馆的设计 。他有众 多耳熟能详的作品包括柏林索尼中心、Pixar总部、首尔三星电子总 部、VMware Palo Alto 总部、瑞士巴塞尔诺华校园、以及近期在澳大利 亚悉尼的布朗格鲁总体规划和布朗格鲁保护区的建设。1983罗德岛设 计学院美术学士学位。1992哈佛大学设计研究生院景观设计硕士学 位。2014年,美国景观设计师协会

Sean O'Malley - SWA Group

Rosa Barba Finalist 9
With Xiao Zheng

River forest island

 为城市设计师、规划师、景观 30多年他探索出一套独特的方式进行设计利用场所的力量以及自然 结构作为大结构进行设计扩展与城市建设。他通过开发生物科学以及植被 的技术来创造能同时惠泽于环境与人类的可持续的景观

T. Kobkaikit, W. Boontarika - LAB

Rosa Barba Finalist 9
With Tawatchai Kobkaikit

The metro-forest project : Bangkok urban Reforestation

Boontarika Wannapin, 1997毕业于曼谷朱拉隆功大学后在曼谷为一酒店 业进行景观设计.之后迁居到香港,2006年成立了Parkstore务所. 2010年成LAB务所的合伙人之一。目前专注于热带雨林、人文景观以 及园艺与自然等方向。

Mary Margaret Jones - Hargreaves Associates

Rosa Barba Finalist 9
With George Hargreaves and Gavin McMillan

Queen Elizabeth olympic park

为主席和高级主管MARY MARGARET JONES领导的全球各地多个项目屡获 殊荣监管多个公司包括在旧金山、加州、马萨诸塞州剑桥的三个工 作室纽约的Hargreaves Jones务所。她曾效力于多个组委会广做 并活跃于设计和发展问题的公共领域。她是位于罗马的美国科学院 的王子慈善信托的风景园林研究员以及董事会的现任主席。她曾是哈佛 设计学院景观设计系访问评论家和美国景观设计师协会成员

Catherine Mosbach - Mosbach Paysagistes

Rosa Barba Finalist 9

Museum Park Louvre Lens

Mosbach 毕业于凡尔赛景观学院. 她与Claramunt1987年巴黎共同成立 Jacototand Tricaud Pages Paysage. 她的代表项目有Solutre考古公 园、Saint -Denis运河步道、Bordeaux植物园、加拿大魁北克的另一 公园、中国西安的山水园、卢浮宫转角公园、中国台湾Taichung 园。 卢浮宫转角公园于2014年在慕尼黑获得了德国设计委员会颁发的标志 性概念类别奖20167获得国家荣誉奖

Philip Coxall - McGregor Coxall

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Ballast point

PHILIP具有20多年的城市规划和景观设计经验项目遍及澳大利亚 国以及亚洲。擅长于大尺度设计和复杂型项目从概念到精致的细节处 理。并且他也擅长于管理大型复杂的工程设计从概念到细节并且乐 于参与到现场施工管理中。他完成了很多具有影响力的项目例如 Ballast中心公园改造了以前的石油工厂。他在悉尼晨报中被评为2009 2010年度最佳生境改进奖。Philip欢挑战2009年曾独自骑自行 车穿越撒哈拉沙漠

Pedro Camarena - LAAP

Finalista Premi Rosa Barba 8

Landscape Archaeology the Route of Friendship

PedroCamarena观设计师1998毕业于墨西哥国立自治大 学。2009年在阿根廷获得拉努斯大学硕士学位。LAAP工作室的创始人之 主要涉及景观及城市规划项目。在政府不同部门任职墨西哥城市 环境秘书处2001-2004);2001年至今任建筑系景观学术联会工作室 设计课程教授同时任墨西哥国立自治大学城佩德雷加尔生态保护区 顾问。2013年至2015年墨西哥景观设计协会SAPM主席


Iñaki Alday & Margarita Jover

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Aranzadi park

Aldayjover建筑和景观工作室I ñaki Alday Sanz (Zaragoza, 1965) Margarita Jover Biboum (París, 1969)共同创立于1995年。大多 进行的是公众宣传景观公共空间和装置项目其中有在Zuera Gállego岸的修复项目2008萨拉萨世博会的水公园和Meandro de Aranzadi公园。2009FAD城市及景观领域奖2002年城市公共空 欧洲2012UITP城市一体化两次COAAragón2001,2005 2002FAD2004Iberoamericana建筑双年展西班牙建筑双年 200520092008年欧洲景观奖决赛入围者。2009年密斯凡德 欧洲联盟现代建筑奖提名同时也参加国内国际的展览例如2014 年的IABRotterdam其中展览了Meandro de Aranzadi公园。自2011 I ñaki Alday费吉尼亚大学EEUU建筑系大学教授和建筑E. R.

Dietmar Straub & Anna Thurmayr

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Folly Forest _ a dance floor for 100 trees

Dietmar Straub Anna Thurmayr于曼尼托巴大学景观系担任教授。 们的职业生涯中以教师与景观设计师的角色有幸担当过不同国家地区 的多样化项目。他们掀起了庭院和景观作为创新与即兴之作的实验 们开始探寻在公共空间设计中奇遇性景观与日常俗套之间的表

Germán Del Sol Guzman

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Termas geométricas

Germán del Sol曾学习于智利天主教大学1973年于巴塞罗那建筑学院 毕业。他曾在西班牙和美国独立的工作之后在1986年回到智利创办了个人 工作室。在1992他与José Cruz设计完成西班牙塞维利亚世博会的智利 并成为最具新智利建筑的代表作之一。在2006他被授予智利国家最 高建筑师荣誉奖国家建筑师奖。Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile颁发的 国家建筑该奖被认为是一个智利建筑师所得到的最高荣誉


Margie Ruddick

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Queens plaza

Margie出生于加拿大蒙特利长于纽约本科毕业于Bowdoin 研究生毕业于哈佛大学设计学院。1988年到1995年期她曾与 Judith Heintz进行合作。目前她独立开展设计项目此外从事写 作、讲座和教学工作。Margie 因其开创性的景观设计20多年来被 界广泛认可。2013年成COOPER-HEWIIT国家景观设计奖得主。Margie 至今任教过哈佛大学设计研究生院、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学等

J & L Gibbons + muf architecture | art

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Making space in Dalston

Johanna Gibbons 1986年的J & L Gibbons LLP公司创始成员之一 . 担任以下几个部门的顾问英国文化遗产林业委员会以及伦敦市长。 她的项目涉及文化遗产绿色基础设施通过议会审议进行城市再 生。 Liza Fior专注于建筑研究与实践的MUF建筑艺术创始人之一主要关 注公共和私立项目中的建造过程和社会关系协调。LizaAA建筑师联 皇家学院以及耶鲁大学任教 Johanna Liza 都出生在伦敦并且一直是邻居她们已经共同坚定不 移地合作多年

Perry Lethlean - TCL + WA

Rosa Barba Finalist 8

Auckland waterfront: north wharf promenade and silo park

Perry Lethlean澳大利亚墨尔本 Taylor Cullity Lethlean 公司董 事。1982年墨尔本皇家理工大学景观系首届毕业生。于1992年取得城市 设计硕士学位。大学里广受欢迎的设计讲师和评论员多次成为专业实 奖项评委。Perry已指导了一系列复合型景观如吉隆海滨重建、墨尔 本博物馆森林画廊等等

James Corner - Field Operations

Rosa Barba Finalist 10

The high line

James 注册景观师和城市设计师。James Corner Field Operations 司的的创立人及设计总监宾夕法尼亚大学设计学院院长和教授。他在 英国曼彻斯特都会大学以一等成绩取得建筑学士学位并于宾夕法尼亚 大学取得景观学硕士学位。其设计作品获Cooper-Hewitt美国国家设计 2010),纽约市艺术委员会杰出设计奖2005),美国艺术文学学 院建筑学2004),戴姆勒 - 克莱斯勒设计创新奖2000纽约建 联盟设计奖2000

Batlle i Roig Arquitectes + T. Gali-Izard

Rosa Barba Finalist 1

Rosa Barba Finalist 8
With T. Gali-Izard

Área de descanso en Malniu

Landscape restoration of the Vall d'en Joan landfill site. Garraf (Barcelona)

公司成立于1981Enric Batlle Joan Roig共同组建团队技术领域跨 越了建筑规划环境和结构技术。一个灵活的跨学科团队的形 成不仅基于团队合作直接的训练以及工程设备以及系统结构的扩展 来源于对规划以及生态科学农学生态学以及地质学的重视。

Xiao Zheng - SWA Group

Finalista Premio Rosa Barba 9
With Sean O'Malley

River forest island

过景观与建筑的教育,进行实践.发展出一个结合设计、 整体规划、艺术整合、文化、生态与城市环境相结合的特殊视角。她探索 态建筑、自然体系的形式表现以及代表性的创新材料。获得过众多的国 家以及国际奖项和竞赛。

T. Kobkaikit - LAB

Rosa Barba Finalist 9
With Wannapin Boontarika

The metro-forest project: Bangkok urban Reforestation

TawatchaiKobkaikit 在泰国以及海外有着丰富 的景观设计经验。他的设计哲学是文化艺术与层出不穷的环境的美正如 他的方法论就是考虑自然的过程与社会文化影响的相互调和。他于2010 重返LAB务所成为合伙人之一

Marti Franch


Rosa Barba Finalist 6 
With Jordi Badia (BAAS + EMF) 

Rosa Barba Finalist 7
With Ton Ardévol

Rosa Barba Finalist 11

Jardí del museu Can Framis

Restoration project of Tudela-Culip spot in Cap de Creus natural park 

Las Veras de Girona

Landscape Architect with a degree from the University of Greenwich in 1998 and a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the ESAB in 1993. Founded EMF arquitectura de paisatge in 1999 after a period working for B+B (Amsterdam) and Kiefer (Berlin). Notable works include Club Med Restoration in Cap de Creus; Têt Riverbank Planning in Perpignan; Cemetery in Laroque des Alberes; and PPCC Square in Palamós. Professor of Landscape Projects at the ETSAB since 2001.


Kotchakorn Voraakhom


Rosa Barba Finalist 11
CEO and Founder of Landprocess and Porous City Network

Parque Centenario de la Universidad de Chulalongkorn

Kotchakorn Voraakhom is a landscape architect from Thailand who works on building productive green public space that tackles climate change in urban dense areas and climate-vulnerable communities. 

Kotchakorn is featured in 2019, TIME 100 Next, —that spotlights 100 rising stars, shaping the future of the world and 15 women fighting against climate change from TIME Magazine. She was named BBC100 Women, the Green 30 for 2020 by Bloomberg and got an award from United Nations as Winners of the 2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards, Women for Results. She is a chairwoman of the landscape without the border IFLA APR, TED Fellow, Echoing Green Climate Fellow. She received her master's in landscape architecture from Harvard University's Graduate School of Design.


Carl Steinitz


Rosa Barba Finalist 11
Carl Steinitz for the International Geodesign Collaboration
Restoration of Lao-Ju Riverfront Ecosystem

Carl Steinitz is the Alexander and Victoria Wiley Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning Emeritus at Harvard Graduate School of Design, and Honorary Professor at CASA, University College London.  In 1965 he joined Harvard’s Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis. In 1984, he received the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Outstanding Educator Award for his “extraordinary contribution to environmental design education” and for his “pioneering exploration in the use of computer technology in landscape planning”.  Professor Steinitz is principal author of “Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes” (2003), and author of “A Framework for Geodesign” (2012). He has lectured and taught workshops at more than 150 universities and is a co-founder of the International Geodesign Collaboration.

Zhang Ming

Rosa Barba finalist 11
Original Design Studio (TJAD) 
With Zhang Zi collaboration 

Transformation of Yang Shupu Thermal Power Plant, Shanghai 

Zhang Ming is professor and vice head of Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. He is also directing architect of Original Design Studio, TJAD. He is the winner of World Architectural Festival and ARCASIA Awards for Architecture. He assumes a series of social positions, including executive director of the Shanghai Architectural Society, director of the architectural creation academic department, deputy director of the architectural design committee, vice president of the registered architects branch, expert of the Shanghai Municipal Planning Commission Urban Space and Landscape Protection Committee, member of the Competition Committee of the Architectural Society of China, member of the Science Popularization Committee, director of the Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Heritage, academic committee of the Academic Committee of Industrial Architectural Heritage, member of the Academic Committee of Architectural Criticism, and vice president of the Small Town Construction Branch. He belongs to the editorial board of UED, Architectural Technique and Architectural Practice. He has won the Young Architect Award of the Chinese Architectural Society, the Shanghai Young Architects New Show Award, “China's 100 Most Influential Architects”, Global Chinese Young Architect Award, “AD100 China's Most Influential Architectural Design Elite” and other honors . In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Architect of Shanghai" and "Outstanding Contribution Award of 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up of Shanghai Survey and Design Industry - Star of Survey and Design".


Zhang Zi


Rosa Barba finalist 11*
Original Design Studio (TJAD)
With Zhang Ming collaboration 

Transformation of Yang Shupu Thermal Power Plant, Shanghai


Zhang Zi is directing architect of Original Design Studio, TJAD and Senior Engineer, A-Level National Registered Architect. She has Master & Bachelor of Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University and is visiting scholar at the University of Pavia, Italy. She is also a member of the Department of Architectural Creation, the Architectural Society of Shanghai China. She has been “AD 100 the Most Influential Architect in China” for three years.


Michael Van Valkenburgh

Rosa Barba finalist 11
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA)

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Michael is the founder of Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc. (MVVA), a 100-person firm based in Brooklyn, NY and Cambridge, MA.  His lifelong dedication to the medium of landscape and its robust material expression is evident in MVVA's diverse body of work, including gardens, museums, parks of all sizes, campuses, and urban design.  His philosophy that “parks are for people” guides every step of MVVA’s design process.  In addition to his practice, Michael taught at Harvard's Graduate School of Design for over 30 years and he is currently the Emeritus Charles Eliot Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture.

João Ferreira Nunes

Rosa Barba Finalist 1,5, 6, 7 and 11

Parque del Tjao y de Trançao

West entrace of Mondego's green park

Castelo de silves hillside

Etar de Alcântara - Effluent) water treatment station 

Schelde Quays in South Sint-Andries (Antwerp, Belgium)

João Nunes is a Landscape Architect with a great passion for drawing and understanding the processes of the world. In 1985, he founded the PROAP studio which, according to his philosophy, approaches landscape themes in a broad sense, intervening in the processes that the project integrates, using inputs from various disciplines and considering the landscape as a process in continuous transformation. The professional activity and didactics intertwine and enrich each other, contributing to the development of new lines of research and experimentation. Visiting Professor at several international universities (Harvard GSD, UPenn, OSU, Pamplona, Versailles among others), he is Full Professor at the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio and member of several scientific committees. In 2013 he was awarded the 1st Chair of Excellence "Adalberto Libera". In 2010 he published the monograph "PROAP - Arquitectura Paisagista" (Note), which summarizes the first 25 years of the studio, and in 2011 is co-author of "Lost Competitions" (Proap Editions). Projects developed by Proap have received several national and international awards and have been several times finalists for the Prize "Rosa Barba" at the Landscape Biennial of Barcelona.


Mario Schjetnan

Rosa Barba Finalist 11
With the collaboration of Víctor Márquez

Parque la Mexicana

Architect; National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design; University of California, Berkeley. Loeb Fellowship from Harvard University in advanced environmental studies. Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award (IFLA).
His studio, Grupo de Diseño Urbano (GDU) - founded 44 years ago- has carried out projects of urban planning, landscape architecture, and architecture throughout the Mexican Republic; in the USA, Chile, China, and Lebanon.



Victor Márquez

Rosa Barba Finalsit 11 
With Mario Schjetnan collaboration

Parque la Mexicana

Urban planner, architect and author, Doctor of Science from Cornell University, Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, Fulbright Scholarship; He designs and plans under his own firm VMA, urban projects, parks, airports and public buildings that have been awarded with eight international awards in the last three years.


Kathryn Gustafson

Rosa Barba Finalist 11

Parque Central, Valencia

Kathryn Gustafson was born in the state of Washington, USA, and was educated at the University of Washington in Seattle, the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and the Ecole National Supérieure du Paysage in Versailles where she received her diploma in 1979. Kathryn Gustafson brings over 25 years of distinguished practice to Gustafson Porter. Her award-winning work includes a widely known series of projects in France, and recently acclaimed projects have ranged throughout Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Kathryn's design work has been predominantly civic, institutional, and corporate. Projects have ranged in scale from a tenth of an acre to 150 acres, including parks, gardens, and community spaces. Two partner offices, Gustafson Porter in London and Gustafson Gutrie Nichol in Seattle, continue to evolve the design approach of Gustafson's work into new contexts of time, culture, and nature. Kathryn Gustafson is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architecture and a medalist of the French Academy of Architecture. She is the recipient of the ASLA Design Medal, the Chrysler Design Award, London's Jane Drew Prue and the Arnold W Brunner Memorial Prize for Architecture 2012.

Filipa Cardoso de Menezes

Rosa Barba Finalist 11
With Catarina Assis Pacheco collaboration
Estudio de paisajismo f | c arquitectura paisagista

Parque Ribeirinho Oriente

Both born in Lisbon (Portugal) in the year 1969, Filipa Cardoso de Menezes and Catarina Assis Pacheco have been working together since they graduated in landscape architecture. In 1997 they founded the landscape design studio f|c arquitectura paisagista, where they currently work as managing partners.

Over the last two decades they have acquired a vast experience in many areas, developing projects, planning operations and studies, in a wide range of dimensions and natures, making each theme a unique challenge. The long list of works includes projects for city parks, public spaces, schools and institutional and private gardens.

Their project approach mainly reflects a search for the meaning of the place, exploring the characteristics of each territory and, based on aesthetic, ecological and functional criteria, creating or revealing new readings of the landscape.

Catarina Assis Pacheco

Rosa Barba Finalist 11
With Filipa Cardoso de Menezes collaboration
Estudio de paisajismo f | c arquitectura paisagista

Parque Ribeirinho Oriente

Both born in Lisbon (Portugal) in the year 1969, Filipa Cardoso de Menezes and Catarina Assis Pacheco have been working together since they graduated in landscape architecture. In 1997 they founded the landscape design studio f|c arquitectura paisagista, where they currently work as managing partners.

Over the last two decades they have acquired a vast experience in many areas, developing projects, planning operations and studies, in a wide range of dimensions and natures, making each theme a unique challenge. The long list of works includes projects for city parks, public spaces, schools and institutional and private gardens.

Their project approach mainly reflects a search for the meaning of the place, exploring the characteristics of each territory and, based on aesthetic, ecological and functional criteria, creating or revealing new readings of the landscape.

Sebastian Monsalve Gomez

Rosa Barba Finalist 11

Parques del Río Medellín

Sebastián Monsalve is an architect graduated from the National University of Colombia and has a track record in urban design, public space and landscape architecture.

Founder of CAUCE and Co-founder of LATITUD workshop office (2011 – 2019), has been awarded at the II Latin American Biennial of Landscape Architecture (2016), at the World Architecture Festival (2018) and recently at the XXVII Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.

He was a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina) and speaker in countries such as Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico. He currently works as an advisor to the government of the department of Antioquia (Colombia) in the structuring of urban projects, public space and landscape.


Carlos Puerta

Finalista Rosa Barba 11

El trópico y el paisaje construido Centro urbano de Medellín Colombia

Carlos Puerta is the leader of Arquitectura y Espacio Urbano Studio, an office located in El Poblado, Antioquia. He is an expert in public space issues, he has studied it in depth and has accumulated experiences with projects such as the recovery of the Historic Center of Pamplona, ​​in the North of Santander and the Historic Center of Ciénaga, in Magdalena. Today he is preparing to start the works of what will be the new center of Medellín: 140,000 m2 semi-pedestrianized and wooded on Avenida La Playa and Calle Bolívar, the two arteries of this sector of the city.


School Finalist 11


Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. Our common mission: impact for a better society.

Aeolis – Gap the Border

Reclaiming the memory

Rethinking the territory of Concepción, Chile: A resilient and strategic planning for a vulnerable urban coastal system

The Living Estuary. A study of developing landscape spatial adaptive strategies to integrate the water, ecosystem and Anthropic-dynamics in the estuary of Volta delta, Ghana

Breathe: Redefining a zone of informal settelments for Ho Chi Minh city