4th Biennial 2006

Lecturer 4
Qualified as an engineer in Landscape and Land Use Planning. 1996-1999: Collaborator on the research project “A cooperative approach to limited resources” with Professor Dr Klaus Selle, University of Hannover. 1999-2000: Urban Development, Conservation of the Environment and Communications, Berlin. Since April 2000: Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land. Project leader focusing on new landscapes after mining: forms of work and organization, and project management.

Lecturer 4
Qualified as an engineer in Territorial and Town Planning. 1970-1977: Collaborator with the Construction Academy in Berlin. 1977-1987: Assistant and lecturer at the Weimar School of Ar chitecture and Construction. 1978: Doctor of Engineering in Urban Development. 1985: Dr. sc. Phil. in Sociology of the City. 1987-1998: Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation1998-2000: Manager of the company that organizes the IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land. Since 2000 Manager of the Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land GmbH.

Lecturer 4
Ryue Nishizawa. Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1966. Graduated from Yokohama National University with Masters Degree in Architecture in 1990. Joined Kazuyo Sejima & Associates. Established SANAA with Kazuyo Sejima (1995). Established Office of Ryue Nishizawa (1997). Associate Profesor at Yokohama National University (2001-).

Lecturer 4
Kazuyo Sejima. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1956. Graduated from Japan Women’s University with Masters Degree in Architecture in 1981. Joined Toyo Ito & Associates. Established Kazuyo Sejima & Associates (1987). Established SANAA with Ryue Nishizawa (1995). Professor at Keio University (2001-).